Ur-Dragon's Multiverse Onslaught | *PRIMER*

Commander / EDH MattN7498

SCORE: 295 | 236 COMMENTS | 88881 VIEWS | IN 194 FOLDERS

IXALAN —Sept. 29, 2017

Not a lot of Dragons showing up for Ixalan and don't expect to see too many in the next few sets. The new Kamigawa Dragon arts will be included once Iconic Masters comes out so for now I'm just taking out some stuff for more efficient costed spells.

Unclaimed Territory > Mountain

  • Another tribal based land that helps with color fixing. The only creature spells part shouldn't be a problem really.

Painful Truths > Shamanic Revelation

  • Needed more cheaper draw spells to follow up with a dragon. Shamanic is a good card but most of the time wasn't getting as much value and the set up was too rare for it to be worth casting.

Thunderbreak Regent > Territorial Hellkite

  • Thunderbreak adds some protection to the deck when most of the time Territorial is just a big dumb flyer that didn't do that much

Nahiri, the Harbinger > Whip of Erebos

  • While the lifelink is extremely good, I never found myself wanting to exile creatures from graveyard with the graveyard recursion this deck has. Plus, if we were to put the commander in the graveyard to return for 4 (which is insane), it turns off the Eminence ability which isn't good if he ends up stuck in the graveyard. Testing out Nahiri for the card draw, removal and pulling any dragon out of my deck and returning to hand.

Growing Rites of Itlimoc  Flip > Aura Shards

  • Was never getting a blowout in value out of Aura Shards when it's more effective in token decks. This new enchantment is essentially a staple in any Commander deck that has green.

Sunbird's Invocation > Possibility Storm

  • Never got a chance to play with Storm that often so I tried out Sunbird's to see if it would perform and holy cow did it. Managed to play about 7 dragons for free and go through my deck at least one time. It definitely sucks if they kill it before you get value but once you cast a spell or two for free of this enchantment, it's totally worth it.

Mirage Mirror > Sneak Attack

  • While I do think the mirror is an excellent EDH card, I don't think it has a spot for this deck. We don't have a lot of good things to copy so we have to rely on our opponents which we don't really want to do. With Sneak Attack, there's been time where I've needed to play a lot of dragons in my hand to quickly kill someone before I miss my opportunity but costs too much mana. With this, we can cheat stuff into play to quickly kill people and has some potential graveyard synergy when they become sacrificed.