Solitaire: the Gathering -the way it's meant to be

Modern* Lowenstein


FNM first —April 17, 2021

Beat Dredge 2-1 - not a very difficult matchup. I lost the second game from a put on my part. The other games I comboed on turns three and four.

Beat Esper control 1-0-1 - Game 1 took 40 minutes. Esper control is probably the hardest control matchup, due to Kaya's Guile in the mainboard. Opponent had all of the counter spells, also had the Guile and 2 Esper Charm, but couldn't close out the game, so it took a really long time. The beatdown was coming with Snapcaster Mage, but I managed to draw what I needed to flashback a Past in Flames and then combo off with 6 cards left in the library. There wasn't time for more games after.

Beat Eldrazi Tron 2-0 - Game one he had Chalice of the Void on 1 and a Thought-Knot Seer, but I was able to cast Merchant Scroll to get an Echoing Truth and then win from there. Game two he had Graffdigger's Cage and Chalice of the Void, but 2 Ravenform came in very clutch. Good times all around.

JW398 says... #1


Just curious but how often (even if its just goldfishing) do you find you are;

a) able to go off turn 3

b) Not fizzle on turn 3

As you are aware I'm still on the fence about stormcaller. I tried running some math, despite being bad at it, and my version is having a hard time going off turn 3 without a bomb hand and a lot of luck in digging. We have slightly different routes on how to storm but the kickoff is still the same for the most part.

October 14, 2020 5:19 p.m.

Lowenstein says... #2

Howdy! So JW398 I find that the reason I won't win on T3 is because I am missing an important combo card, be it Lotus Field, Psychic Puppetry, or some cards for digging, but not because I choose to wait. Usually the only difference between comboing T4 instead of T3 is one extra draw to hit a combo piece I don't have. So, if I have what I need, I generally won't wait until T4 to go off. All you need is a single Twiddle or Dream's Grip to get the Lotus in motion on T3, which is also the reason I run 4 of each.

I think the biggest reason you would go off T4 instead of T3 is so you can start off with an untapped Lotus Field, but like I said, that usually doesn't make a problem. When I fizzle on T3 it is almost always just because I ran out of cantrips, not because I ran out of mana.

Hope all that made sense haha.

Yeah Stormcaller is definitely cool because it can hit those big draws that you really need. I've been testing with 1 Ad Nauseam though, and it actually is pretty sweet. It provides a similar effect to stormcaller. You will probably draw more depending on how much life you can lose.

October 14, 2020 8:22 p.m.

JW398 says... #3


Yeah I never had an issue with 7 Twiddle effects until yesterday when I was playing against hardened scales. I lost game 2 because I resolved a turn 4 ad nauseum with floating. 48 cards with 5 (of 7) Twiddles left in the deck. I managed to hit 10 cards and not find one. lol I forced the issue but its definitely worth using.

October 15, 2020 6:38 a.m.

Lowenstein says... #4

JW398 haha dang that's a bummer. Are you playtesting online? I haven't dared to because storm decks online is just so annoying for everyone XD but how is it for you?

October 15, 2020 11:49 a.m.

JW398 says... #5

I playtest with a friend online via Cockatrice, which is not fun if you are looking for random people to play. He has a couple pet decks too and we proc up random stuff to play against each other.

October 15, 2020 12:01 p.m.