Toxic Relationship: Hapatra EDH [PRIMER]

Commander / EDH Daedalus19876

SCORE: 709 | 807 COMMENTS | 121585 VIEWS | IN 274 FOLDERS

Further Upgrades! —July 4, 2018

I had some time to mess with this deck (and some spare cash), so I revamped a lot of things. Overall changes were as follow:

Removing Song of the Dryads, Grim Poppet, Sylvan Safekeeper, Helm of Possession, Serrated Arrows, Smokestack, Evolving Wilds, and Hissing Quagmire in favor of adding Chrome Mox, Earthcraft, Survival of the Fittest, Archfiend of Ifnir, Reanimate, Demonic Tutor, Dismember, and Chord of Calling.

With a change this large, I'll have to do quite a bit of testing before I'm confident in the deck, but I'd appreciate your thoughts! Anything else I've missed that's worth adding?

OptimalGreen says... #1

Have you seen Generous Patron from Battlebond yet? :V

May 27, 2018 3:25 a.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #2

OptimalGreen: She's bonkers :D

June 10, 2018 7:33 p.m.

Hm the first card I'd think of when building a Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons deck is Cauldron of Souls

It won't work with your tokens, but lets say your opponent board wipes - you trigger Cauldron - all non-token creatures including Hapatra return and each returning creature triggers your commander bc of -1/-1 counter.

Plus it's a great political card.

And what about a good Snake lord: Seshiro the Anointed

June 12, 2018 2:47 p.m.

Coward_Token says... #4

CommanderAdventures: another perk from using the Cauldron is that you can cause nontoken weenies controlled by opponents to die again for the purpose of Blowfly Infestation

June 12, 2018 4:17 p.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #5

CommanderAdventures and Coward_Token: I've been considering Cauldron of Souls for a while now - it's a good way to recur my board after a board wipe, and end up with an army of snakes afterwards. The only issue I am worried about with it is that I often place -1 counters on my own stuff (between Black Sun's Zenith, Harbinger of Night, etc) so I'm worried about it being a dead card in many draws...what would you cut from it?

(PS: CommanderAdventures - I'm a huge fan of your EDH variant format, and I am currently trying to convince my group to try it. Can I promote it in an EDH facebook group I admin?)

June 12, 2018 11:57 p.m.

Daedalus19876 Gladly :) Hope you guys like it.

About the cut: I usually replace cards that have a similar function in the deck. In this case maybe Journey to Eternity  Flip?

June 13, 2018 5:03 a.m. Edited.

Coward_Token says... #7

While your practical experience will have to come first, Splendid Agony, Serrated Arrows and Incremental Blight seem mediocre to me.

Speaking of Persist, you might also want to consider Rendclaw Trow, Puppeteer Clique and/or Woodfall Primus.

June 13, 2018 12:12 p.m.

OptimalGreen says... #8

Splendid Agony and Incremental Blight have only gotten better in this deck because of Generous Patron though because with Patron and Hapatra out they have the added bonus of "Create two snakes and draw two cards" and "Create three snakes and draw three cards". In my experience Persist really isn't that great because the creatures will only die to a board wipe because opponents aren't going to give you free snakes that'll snowball into a huge amount and end the game with Craterhoof of Triumph.

June 13, 2018 5:38 p.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #9

Coward_Token and OptimalGreen: I generally find that Persist isn't the best here for exactly the reason OptimalGreen pointed out - a lot of my creatures often have -1 counters on them so that Persist doesn't do anything. There is an argument for Cauldron of Souls (because it gives the ability to EVERYTHING while only using one slot), but the ability is generally not what I'm going for in this deck.

June 13, 2018 6:58 p.m.

smashadams83 says... #10

I agree persist isn’t good with hapatra. Also note that Grim Affliction is just a strictly better Splendid Agony so if you want to run one over the other, go with affliction. Their floors are the same but affliction’s ceiling is massive.

Ive added Razaketh, the Foulblooded to my list, highly recommended, he’s so strong with our tokens.

Also can’t wait to get a cradle for this deck. Will be fire!

June 13, 2018 9:52 p.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #11

smashadams83: It's not strictly better (particularly if you want to kill 2 X/1 creatures), but yes, it's nearly always better.

I was considering Razaketh, the Foulblooded over Sadistic Hypnotist (I only need 1 expensive sac outlet) - which would you recommend?

June 14, 2018 3:16 p.m.

smashadams83 says... #12

yea I guess that would be the only case, taking out 2, 1/1s you’re right. I think it depends on your meta but razaketh is strong in a combo build imo. He can tutor up protection if you’re playing greaves or even journey to eternity, Then just go to town grabbing anything you need for utuility. His high CMC is tough but I’ve added Chord of Calling and some other reanimation spells to cheat him in.

Additionally, I can’t speak highly enough for Harvest Season. It’s so great here since we have deathtouch snakes, you can attack , normally have no blocks, then grab a bunch of basics. It’s been fantastic for me. Ive never grabbed less than 5 basics with it.

Also I think Necrotic Ooze could be useful since you are combo focused and possibly Altar of the Brood or Blasting Station as win cons.

June 14, 2018 3:30 p.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #13

smashadams83: You're right, Harvest Season would be amazing here. I've avoided Chord of Calling without any real reason, to be honest. It also needs a slot. Darn. What would you cut for them?

June 14, 2018 3:46 p.m.

smashadams83 says... #14

It sure honestly as my build is not as combo focused as yours. I can say I’ve cut both contagion clasp and serrated arrows from my list as they were too low impact for me. Here’s a link to my build if you want some other ideas. Primer is a work in progress

June 14, 2018 3:56 p.m.

Polupus says... #15

Surprised Glistening Oil isn’t in here...

June 14, 2018 5:20 p.m.

Maizena says... #16

You have a pretty solid list right here, it's hard to suggest a new card to fit it.

I know they are in your "Maybeboard" already, but I think you should try Ashnod's Altar and Earthcraft (you could even try the Squirrel Nest combo).

Also, how often do you hit with the snake tokens? Maybe a Coat of Arms could help you.

June 14, 2018 5:37 p.m.

OptimalGreen says... #17

With it's reprinting coming up do you think that with the addition of Generous Patron that adding Reliquary Tower would be a good idea? :V

June 20, 2018 9:18 p.m.