Toshiro the Vagabond

Commander / EDH gdm1989


June 27, 2019

Back to using toshiro

Added Bolas's Citadel, Yawgmoth, Thran Physician, Mikaeus, the Unhallowed, Vilis, Broker of Blood, Contamination

Thanks to these new additions, it will be much easier to draw more cards and cast a lot of instants with ease.

Black Market will be added later

Thescarabbob says... #1

Just a word of warning: only play Sorin Markov if you have a death wish. If you can't kill the table that turn, you most likely die from the fear of the -3. I play in a competetive playgroup and any counterspell will instantly hit him, resulting in huge tempo loss.

August 7, 2018 5:13 p.m.

gdm1989 says... #2

Good point Thescarabbob the problem is regardless on what decks I play or what I do with Toshiro people are literally scared of dealing with me. I'm still looking for a alternative to make them either scoop or die quickly hopefully I can find something :)

August 7, 2018 9:54 p.m.

Thescarabbob says... #3

Have you considered No Mercy? You're always the last to die because noone wants to kill their board

August 8, 2018 12:48 p.m.

gdm1989 says... #4

Indeed I have I just need to get it

August 8, 2018 9:59 p.m.