The three best words in Magic

Commander / EDH Steaditup


Oct. 10, 2016

REMOVED: Jace Belerenfoil, Woodfall Primusfoil, Simic Guildgatefoil

ADDED: Nissa, Vital Forcefoil, Verdurous Gearhulkfoil, Botanical Sanctumfoil

Jace Belerenfoil is a good enough planeswalker (and fancy besides) but giving my opponents cards doesn't fit my unfair gameplan. Nissa, Vital Forcefoil is a superb planeswalker with so much application for this deck. Her +1 represents an additional mana, a blocker, and a reference creature for Prime Speaker Zeganafoil to draw 6 cards. There's one or two strong permanents in this deck someone might want removed, so the -3 certainly comes in handy. Finally, her emblem provides some welcome, consistent card draw that's hard for my opponents to interfere with (and Nissa only needs a turn of breathing room to accomplish it!).

Primus sits dead in my hand every time I draw it. Verdurous Gearhulk is an amazing utility card/beater that synergizes with so many cards in the deck (Master Biomancerfoil, Gyre Sagefoil, Fathom Magefoil, Chasm Skulkerfoil etc.) and curves beautifully into Zegana to draw 9 cards. Botanical Sanctumfoil is a strict upgrade over the guildgate (and is much prettier too).

Steaditup says... #1

jeshwa you'd be surprised. I have to prepare to be assaulted from turn 1 when I bring zegana out. Everyone still has Prophet of Kruphix flashbacks.

May 8, 2016 4:39 p.m.

jeshwa says... #2

Ha, my only problem was people tooling Extract and Sadistic Sacrament effects so it hindered choices in a way. Still really like the flavor, once I get to my shop and see what they have I'll edit my list some more!

May 8, 2016 8:51 p.m.

jeshwa says... #3

Sorry for double post but how does this build play against Sen Triplets? To me they seem to eat zegana lists, I could be wrong, but would love to hear results.

May 10, 2016 2:27 p.m.

Steaditup says... #4

Doublepost is fine. I haven't really tested zegana against sen trips yet. I could see it being a problematic matchup though unless you hate the triplets off the board with Trygon Predator or something.

May 10, 2016 9:16 p.m.

MenacingBunny says... #5

Would you consider adding Horizon Chimera?

June 8, 2016 8:28 p.m.

Steaditup says... #6

MenacingBunny I had Horizon Chimera in the original build of this deck. It never felt correct to play it. It's a beautiful card and it's a joy to play with but its impact feels too low and the body is too small. I appreciate the suggestion, though.

June 9, 2016 12:45 a.m.

Podma101 says... #7

Would you ever consider Sphinx's Tutelage as an alternate win condition? You seem to draw enough here to kill people through it. Great deck as it is!!!

July 11, 2016 3:29 p.m.

Steaditup says... #8

[user:podma101] I like sphinx toot. It's a nice tool against monocolor decks. I just think that there's better ways to capitalize on massive draw than conditional mill. I appreciate the feedback though!

July 12, 2016 8:04 p.m.

Steaditup says... #9

Excuse me, Podma101.

July 12, 2016 8:04 p.m.