Be Gay, Do Crimes

Crime deck that turns all targeted planeswalker abilities and single target spel...

Commander / EDH BubblegumLiquorbxtch

The Song of Phyresis

Commander / EDH Mortlocke

SCORE: 540 | 199 COMMENTS | 58331 VIEWS | IN 234 FOLDERS

Visual Update(s) —July 24, 2019

So, initially I was trying to do something fancy by incorporating an animated .gif with the wallpaper but that didn't quite work out. I'm still experimenting with the idea regardless. So far, just a minor visual change to the page. The more important changes however are to the deck, namely the inclusion of Generous Gift and Blast Zone. I realize that I needed more targeted (more or less) removal after a somewhat miserable game with a player who turn 3 Solemnity'd me. What made the game miserable was that said player literally did nothing else for the rest of the game...and he lost. He was losing the entire game. If anything, he enabled one of his opponents while getting crushed on a continual basis. There were multiple turns where he just did nothing - dragging me down along with him.

It's frustrating getting one's worse when an opponent isn't doing much else during the game except ruining your fun. The new inclusions are at least an attempt at avoiding that scenario. I'm still trying to figure out something different...unique in concept regarding the deckpage though - and i'm still trying to figure out what to do with the Accordion. Suggestions are appreciated as well. Thanks for reading!

Edit: 08 August 2019 - So i've made some headway into getting the visual effect I want for the page. It works mostly the way I intended it. If anyone reading this sees it, I'd appreciate their feedback. Specifically I'd like to see:

  1. Does the static effect cover your whole screen?
  2. Is the deck page still readable? Do you have any trouble reading words when the static comes in?
  3. Does the static effect occur too often?

Ultimately, if you have any suggestions, please share!