The Shadow over Goblinnsmouth

Pauper passimo


Hastened Eldrazi —Oct. 26, 2021

After playing 3 hastened Ulamog's Crusher in one single turn while playtesting, I decided that Torch Courier is the way to go

Removed 4x Otherworldly Outburst Added 4x Torch Courier

Grubbernaut says... #1

How am I just now learning that Ashnod's Altar is pauper legal?!

Cheers for the deck mate!

June 2, 2021 1:42 p.m.

passimo says... #2

Right!? How have I never seen that unholy thing used in the meta?

Thanks! Glad you liked it

June 2, 2021 1:48 p.m.

Balaam__ says... #3

Great design, and that theme is on point. +1

June 4, 2021 9:31 a.m.

timtasticc says... #4

I think with how many tokens Mogg War Marshal and Goblin Instigator make, the goblin gathering might be a little overkill but they are very on flavor. I think cutting two of them in favor for Lightning Bolt or Goblin Grenade for some flavor points might be better and give you interaction (and also gets rid of Gurmag Angler

Goblin Chirurgeon would be a good card to keep your crushers on the field because of how prominent removal is. Might be better for sideboard but its a fun card I love using!

Would love to see "Gobdrazi" become a meta deck one day this looks like fun and also flavorful! +1

June 28, 2021 7:13 a.m.

passimo says... #5

Hey timtasticc thanks for everything! As always, I make long answers so sorry for the following text wall =).

You could be right about Goblin Gathering , but only more playtesting will tell, and with finals and pandemics it will take some time to do so =(. Furthermore, having only two would be better switching them with Hordeling Outburst which I don't have yet. I'll keep in mind your suggestion though, don't worry, because it's on point!

I didn't remember Goblin Grenade said "any target", that's wonderful, I'll definitely put it in if I find some space, but I'll need to test if its 1 goblin cost interferes with our need of willing sacrific... ehm cultists in order to summon old gods (Plus I sincerely hate Gurmag Angler so you hit home with that)

Finally Goblin Chirurgeon is sick and definitely on point! Really a perfect fit, thanks! I'll find some place for him in the sideboard.

June 29, 2021 7:17 a.m.

Gattison says... #6

I love goblins, so I love this deck. That's just the way the universe works. However, it was the Lovecraft reference that brought me here. That is also how this universe works.

I was thinking you could also go -1 Wretched Gryff , -1 Goblin Instigator in order to add some Goblin Grenade s. If you wanted, you could probably cut -1 Swiftwater Cliffs for a third.

I second the motion to add Goblin Chirurgeon . It could replace the 3x Goblin War Party maybe.

July 26, 2021 6:50 p.m.

passimo says... #7

Hey Gattison, I agree that is how the universe works =).

Removing a Gryff would be problematic, because sometimes it's hard to draw eldrazi, having only 7 of them.

I'll think about removing a Goblin Instigator , or better a Dragon Fodder , and a Swiftwater Cliffs , but I'm unconfortable in having 16 lands, needs testing.

As for Goblin Chirurgeon , motion approved! I only need to acquire them.

Thanks for the advice! Cheers!

July 27, 2021 3:51 p.m.