The most toxic pioneer ever was!

Pioneer Elsterooo


Archived —July 26, 2023

The deck is archived. I tried to make something more creative with Rotpriest, but the best stategy turned out to be boring, thus I won't really pursue this anymore.

Aeon2000 says... #1

I like the deck! what if Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive?

February 19, 2023 4:54 a.m.

Elsterooo says... #2

I'm glad you do!

Thank you so much, I initially thought about her but had tunnel vision apparently. She absolutely needs to be tested. Aqueous Form would be out and since we don't want the buff from Combat Research we would arrive at Sixth Sense.

I assume we keep Hope of Ghirapur, but we can experiment with that slot. She also eats removal.

Downside could be going up in CMC, but Aqueous Form doesn't come down on t1 anyway, so we just lose the scry.

February 19, 2023 6:45 a.m.

magwaaf says... #3

maybe, i prefer selesnya for toxic but this might not be bad. compare?

February 19, 2023 10 a.m.

Elsterooo says... #4

I actually went Selesnya first as well, here:

The strategy is more fun, so you're not alone in prefering it. I've got one more toxic deck and one more Rotpriest deck brewing currently, but looking at your list, it has the same issue I've had when testing. Mainly the same old "Why even go for poison counters"?

Mathematically speaking, they're nothing more than an alternative life count. 10 instead of 20. So 1 poison counter = 2 damage, in theory. Just looking at Jawbone Duelist, if you buff him with Blossoming Defense for example, you're still dealing 2 poison counters (4 damage), while you're also dealing 6 regular damage.

I didn't have as much fun brewing this deck as I'd hoped, mainly because toxic's big strength is cheap things go attack fast, kind of streamlined and boring.

That's all regarding competetive magic. In regards to following a theme and pushing it as far as possible, your deck looks great.

February 19, 2023 5:07 p.m.

TheoryCrafter says... #5

Just some thoughts for your deck:

-since Fynn, the Fangbearer's and Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive's abilities are static, and you have a lot of card draw and evasion, I think you can get away with removing one copy of each. This will give you room to add in a couple copies Wasteland Viper.

-Another card you may want to consider at some point is Foulmire Knight. Yes, the adventure attached to this card has a higher price for lesser card draw than Distorted Curiosity. However, since you already have Fading Hope in your deck, It's essentially reusable, and feeds into Venerated Rotpriest. Plus, it doesn't hurt to have another deathtouch body for the battlefield.

Thank you for reading me out. I hope it helps. Happy Hunting!

February 25, 2023 4:50 a.m.

Elsterooo says... #6

Thank you as well for your advice!

I've taken all the points you made into account already, and this is exactly why I stopped here, there's need to test the deck out more.

Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive is already a 3 of for exactly that reason, but too important to reduce down to 2. This deck absolutely needs to keep up its speed, hence the exclusion of Foulmire Knight. Fading Hope is a great point for using it, but casting a draw spell for 3, even though the value is higher, I thought would be too slow.

Hope mainly protects Priest or Fynn in case of you not having a Tyvar's Stand in hand.

You're completely right about it, as I will swap the knight in for possibly Wasteland Viper if it turns out this deck needs just that little bit more of draw and can afford it speed-wise.

Fynn, the Fangbearer in my testing was too vital and powerful to cut even one, it would drop this deck's consistency.

February 25, 2023 12:59 p.m.