The Legend of Green Eyes (Lord Magnus)

Commander / EDH* DreadKhan


Probably Some Big Changes —April 7, 2022

I might be removing a bunch of White cards from this deck for another deck I'm going to build, I expect I'll re-work this a fair bit to make it something a bit different, we'll see what it ends up. Anything Green is safe, and I don't think it'll be very many cards.

Edit: Looks like it'll be ~10 cards that will be going, most of them pretty good, but not all especially synergistic. Probably pulling Smothering Tithe, Legion's Landing, Skullclamp, Crown of Doom, Idol of Oblivion, Teferi's Protection, Generous Gift, Soltari Champion, Soltari Emissary, and Welcoming Vampire. Possibly Archangel of Strife, that's a pretty big effect, but we'll see since that deck loves Crown of Doom because it doesn't stick you with that bonus during your upkeep, when stuff like Meekstone can reek havoc. I suspect I'll stay on tokens, and I have some cards I can use to replace these of varying utility, but I'm too excited about Boros Weenies to not make this a "Maximum Effort' moment.