The Inevitable Annihilation

Commander / EDH Krugz


v1.19 —June 16, 2023

Minor Upgrade:

To be perfectly honest, I felt cheap adding this one because I have a lot of infinite mana potential. It's just too easy. I do enjoy jumping through all sorts of hoops in order to convert my infinite mana to a win, but it takes some time and as expected, most people don't appreciate it. They'd rather scoop before I get to do stuff or they'd keep demanding to "just finish the game".

I suppose I should just change my playgroup rather than my pet deck, no? But for now, it is what it is.

Profet93 says... #1


Interesting changes, Damping Sphere stops about 6-9 of your lands, including scorched ruins but damn, that card is a powerhouse! Stops storm, coffers, nkythos, cradle and more! Hope they work out well. I love seeing this deck evolve and progress. Kudos

June 11, 2023 2:09 a.m.

Krugz says... #2

Profet93 I agree. The very reason I have this is you guessed it, the storm meta in my playgroup. If anything, this hurts me most so I'll have to be extra careful and assess my manabase very well before dropping this. This would only makes sense to even play if I already have enough mana rocks and discounts to not bother. The Stone Brain and Jester's Cap are also worth mentioning if I just wanted to stop their wincon.

But yeah, thank you for all of your suggestions, man. I'm beginning to understand how to better optimize what this deck is trying to do.

June 11, 2023 2:20 a.m.