Storming Legends - The Ur-Dragon

Commander / EDH Narrash

SCORE: 216 | 68 COMMENTS | 67828 VIEWS | IN 136 FOLDERS

MH2 Spoiler season + STX update —June 2, 2021

Not a lot of updates lately since the deck is in a really nice spot. I'm loving how it plays. Aside from some bling thanks to the Mystical Archive (Swords to Plowshares & Cultivate, can't wait to get my hands on the JP Crux of Fate) and The World Tree from KLD, not a lot of new stuff.

HOWEVER, those MH2 spoilers got me real interested. Quality over quantity. First things first, Patriarch's Bidding reprint. I'm going to make a lot of you cringe but the only reason I play Primevals' Glorious Rebirth is because I can't stand that old border... But it's not a new card, unlike Scion of Draco which is just... lord. There are a lot of cards that are instant addition in dragon tribal, and this is one of them. At least in 5C with a solid mana base. I'm often amazed at how consistently I can get 2/3 triomes on T5 so really really hyped for this guy.





With the release of Kaldheim do you plan on slotting in Esika  Flip and The World Tree ? The tree is just a strict upgrade to a basic forest or really any other land and Esika  Flip is just a great value engine if you get her out on the field, especially in your deck due to the amount of legends her front side is even viable

February 15, 2021 3:55 p.m.

Stumpy123 says... #2

April 13, 2021 6:36 p.m.

LilMissWiz says... #3

Shalai, Voice of Plenty or Bloom Tender or Rhythm of the Wild ?

I love the deck a ton, I have been working on my Dragon tribal for a while now. Gotta keep making changes!

May 1, 2021 5:57 p.m.

Narrash says... #4

HorseTribalLord Not a fan of Esika, God of the Tree  Flip in that deck. Could be fun but I don't feel like making it fit for now. I might get The World Tree sometime, I just didn't get the chance to make any upgrade to the deck but it does fit.

Stumpy123 that's right, don't feel like dropping +50€ on a single card.

LilMissWiz for the price tag alone, Faeburrow Elder over Bloom Tender any day. Really not a fan of Shalai, Voice of Plenty , especially in this deck. I prefer Asceticism . I love Rhythm of the Wild .

May 1, 2021 6:19 p.m.