Stomping the ground

Modern* MagicMat

SCORE: 77 | 106 COMMENTS | 15596 VIEWS | IN 48 FOLDERS

A small restyle —May 27, 2017

Changed the main focus of the deck, made faster and more aggressive. Easier to play on curve, more removals to pass through defenses.

More importance to Treetop Village, it is very good for pushing last damage.

Kept 1 Groundbreaker to have a surprise factor when opponent thinks he is safe and 1 Scavenging Ooze for healing and extra graveyard hate for game 1.

Sideboard improvements.

ZackBinks says... #1

Glad to see Groundbreaker and Skinshifter working out for you!

Have you considered putting Essence Warden in the sideboard for the Burn and Zoo matchups?

March 26, 2017 2:49 p.m.

MagicMat says... #2

ZackBinks Groundbreaker is simply amazing, Skinshifter is a bit too slow, it's more a "tech" card, I'll never play more than one. Essence Warden isn't good enough, Pulse of Murasa and Scavenging Ooze do the job nicely.

March 26, 2017 5:38 p.m.

More Leatherbacks! You can never have enough Leatherbacks. Drop that Beastiary and Skinshifter to put 2 more in there. They're good cards but you can't afford to waste the mana it takes to use them. As a fellow green player that got started in competitive with Stompy, that's just my humble opinion. Seriously, that 5 toughness he has is so important with the prevalence of other 5 toughness creatures in the format... Now if you love green and ever want to get into a little bit more spendy but totally freaking awesome deck, check mine out Nature's Wave. Idk if you know much about Genesis Wave decks but they go BIG.

March 30, 2017 2:21 p.m.

MagicMat says... #4

GreenisGod I can drop Skinshifter but Lifecrafter's Bestiary is too good, it helped me close games where I wouldn't have enough pressure.

April 2, 2017 4:54 a.m.

Icbrgr says... #5

maybe a mana dork of some kind to help cheat out more creatures like Shaman of Forgotten Ways? His formidible might also be handy with all those tramplers but more ramp would probably be needed. Im also a fan of running Overrun as a finisher.

April 27, 2017 3:13 p.m.

ZackBinks says... #6

From the new set, Rhonas the Indomitable may be something you would like to try, as well as Prowling Serpopard either in the mainboard or sideboard.

April 28, 2017 9:26 a.m.

bah-bammmm says... #7

i read what you mean about copy and pasting decks, but honestly, with a deck like stompy, the best situation is to use a stock list.

May 2, 2017 12:16 p.m.

ZackBinks says... #8

I agree and disagree. Certain decks like Blue-Red Storm (Now commonly referred to as "Gifts Storm) really don't have room for innovations or personal touches, and should therefore be kept to a pretty specific list. However, decks like Stompy has a pretty simple goal in mind: beat down your opponent with green creatures. Of course it's more complex than that, as devotion plays a pretty big role as well, but there is still plenty of room for innovations in the deck that would still make the deck run as well as it would if you followed a stock list.

May 2, 2017 1:05 p.m.

bah-bammmm says... #9

i disagree. things like stompy need a specific stock list except the sideboard. when it comes to a beatdown with stompy, to be succesful, there is a specific formula, IMO. every stompy deck i see thatgoes 5-0 or places at an event has little to no differences.

May 2, 2017 1:08 p.m.

MagicMat says... #10

Icbrgr Stompy doesn't need mana dorks cause it just plays on curve with strong fat creatures. Mana dorks would steal slots from more game defining creatures.

ZackBinks thanks for your activity in this deck, I really appreciate it. About serpopard it doesn't pass bolt test, rhonas is surely interesting I'm not sure if it's strong enough. It seems like Predator Ooze, too slow, doesn't impact game immediately and opponent has a few turns to find a way to deal with it. No doubt that Rhonas is better than Ooze but it needs a few circumstances to be really useful and it's a risk, definitely needs some testing.

bah-bammmm thanks for your help, I understand what you mean, it's what I thought for a while. If someone goes 5-0 with a build of Stompy it doesn't mean that that is the best possible build, it's strong, no doubt, and I looked for a lot of those lists, I'm still looking for them. Some of them are pretty "standard" but others have some tech choices that left me amazed, this is what I'm really looking for. Consider Lifecrafter's Bestiary, no-one plays it, many consider it bad, but I found that works, cause where a classic Stompy with no hand dies, I can still scare my opponent pressuring him again and again. I tried without it and I missed it, that's it. Last thought I want to share is that very few people play Stompy, I don't care why, but we can assure that no-pros play this deck, so players you see going 5-0 or placing at events are like you, like me and and like everyone else. So why do you have to give their ideas more importance than yours? You can go 5-0 too, sometimes skilled, sometimes lucky, maybe even those 5-0 were just luck ;). What I mean is that you don't have to stop trying what you think can work, maybe it'll work and it will work for everyone out there, at least this is what I'm trying.

Sorry for bad english, really tired at the moment.

May 3, 2017 11:48 a.m.

Mana-ramp can never get you wrong, and with a mono-green deck, it's a must. Even just having sets of Utopia Sprawl + Arbor Elf would allow your deck to run faster and smoother in most games.

(Btw, mono-green hydras is also a good deck idea :) )

May 8, 2017 9:11 a.m.

xyr0s says... #12

Mana ramp is wrong in this deck. It's a pure aggro deck - it tries to win early, by dealing as much damage each turn as possible. By ramping, you slow down a turn or two, in order to play greater threats ( <-a statement of the obvious, sry) than you otherwise would. But when the threats are cmc 1-3, you don't gain much by ramping; a Leatherback Baloth is a scary threat in turn 3, but in turn 5, it's not really that bad for any opponent.

If you measure, say, how much mana the deck has access to cumulatively until turn 7, a deck that ramps with Utopia Sprawl and Arbor Elf is clearly the winner over a stompy deck with no acceleration at all. By turn 7, it might also out-damage the stompy deck. But until turn 5 or so, the stompy deck deals vastly more damage, more reliably, than the ramp-deck.

May 8, 2017 9:42 a.m.

This is a superb deck + 1

May 12, 2017 11:38 a.m.

Scute Mob isn't really agressive, but considering you play four rancor, it might be a one drop with a lot of midgame potential.

May 21, 2017 4:44 a.m.