So you thought you had 99 cards in your deck

Commander / EDH* RovkirHexus


Overhaul Update —Oct. 2, 2015

So a lot has changed in this deck. More mana fixing, and an Ashiok. More draw/delve fuel with the Siege, and mana fixing with the Darksteel Ingot. Any ideas for what else to add/take out?

BobbyMega says... #1

Replace Awaken the bear with Titanic Growth, this costs 1 forest and 1 other mana to cost, and it allows you to put a +4/+4 on target creature which is good, try to put in Deity of Scars, you can either pay with black or green mana, this is a 7/7 but it comes in the battlefield with 2 -1/-1 counters and you can pay 1 black or green mana to get rid of one or you can pay 2 black or green mana, this also has trample which would go good with your deck.

That's all the cars I know about that would be good with your deck, I don't know much about commander though, all I know about is Standard and modern, but I am willing to help you either way.

July 23, 2015 12:13 p.m.