Selvala Brostorm

Commander / EDH asm

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ELD Updates + Core/Flex Tags —Sept. 29, 2019

I've added Core/Flex tags to each slot. If you change the Grouping to Custom, you will see which cards I've categorized as Core vs Flex.

- Primal Command
- Sensei's Divining Top
- Force of Vigor
- Vitalize
- Scale Up
- Mouth of Ronom

- Return of the Wildspeaker
- Oakhame Adversary
- Kenrith's Transformation
- Mox Diamond
- Sylvan Safekeeper
- Emergence Zone

I've never really liked Primal Command, but you can bring it in over one of the flex slots according to your preferences. Return of the Wildspeaker is a new card from ELD that slots excellently into the deck. Notably, its another instant-speed draw effect, which synergizes incredibly well with Phyrexian Dreadnought.

Sensei's Divining Top is coming out for another new card from ELD that fulfills a similar role: Oakhame Adversary. This enhances hands that don't have a turn 1 dork into Selvala, or if you want to hold the mana back to play Selvala t3 with protection (Vines/Veils). It also allows you to grind for cards in slow games. It also has the neat upside of saccing to Eldritch Evolution for a 6 drop.

I've actually been slightly unimpressed with Force of Vigor. If you are in a stax-heavy meta though, it is a good slot in. I've replaced it with Kenrith's Transformation for my own list, which deals with several key hatebears while cantripping. If your meta is stax-light, Natural State is what I would default to.

I've been revisiting Mox Diamond for the past few months and I've decided that it is worth the inclusion. Increased density of T1 ramp, and can help you put out a turn 1 Sylvan Library/Priest of Titania/Oakhame Adversary (assuming someone played a dork before your first turn).

Another card I've been revisiting is Sylvan Safekeeper which I feel has been worth the slot. The original reasoning for its exclusion was that giving shroud to Selvala still shuts off your combo most of the time, but it's been useful to sit there to deter removal and save you the mana from needing to recast Selvala.

Emergence Zone is a late inclusion from War of the Spark. I've found it to be fairly useful, allowing you to combo at instant speed in windows that were previously unavailable by sneaking it in with Crop Rotation. It allows you to flash in Selvala on end step to surprise combo on your turn. It also synergizes with Dreadnought by allowing you to combo with the sacrifice trigger on the stack. Lastly, it also has some utility in letting you combo through interaction by comboing on top of the interaction. Mouth of Ronom is coming out for it to maintain colorless land parity, but if tutorable land-based removal is important in your meta, cutting a Forest is fine.

lynden says... #1

Great primer and thanks for the write up and updates!

August 17, 2019 1:20 a.m.

DoWell says... #2

Why not a Primalcrux ?

It's a big boi who grows fast!

August 22, 2019 8:58 a.m.

asm says... #3

It costs GGGGGG. If you wanted to pay 6 mana for a giant body, you could play Multani, Maro-Sorcerer .

August 23, 2019 12:48 a.m.

Trismegistus18 says... #4

Thoughts on ouphe over kraul harpooner?

September 6, 2019 10:44 a.m.

asm says... #5

Trismegistus18 Harpooner is there to kill the things that stop this deck from functioning properly, namely Aven Mindcensor and Linvala, Keeper of Silence . It also has the additional upside of growing to a pretty sizeable fatty for 2cmc if someone wheels or the game gets long. Ouphe is playable but I would swap Scale Up or something else for it. The reason I don’t run it is that it cuts you off some of your best draws (staff/umbral) and I’m generally not interested in slowing my opponents down.

September 6, 2019 12:24 p.m.

GhostChieftain says... #6

The great henge was just spoiled for eldraine, do you think it would be worth a slot? It looks like you could get it out quick and draw a ton of cards. Might be unnecessarily redundant though

September 18, 2019 11:33 a.m.

PapaBear97 says... #7

I actually was wondering about The Great Henge as well. Honestly it seems worth a test slot over harmonize in the deck.

September 18, 2019 1:01 p.m.

asm says... #8

I like harmonize a fair amount actually. I’m not high on great henge but think it might be playable. It’s very similar to Glimpse of Nature , but sticks around to enable a grind game. I think it’s worth testing but I don’t expect it to be amazing.

September 18, 2019 10:48 p.m.

Titus78 says... #9

asm what do you think of the new card return of the wild speaker do you think its good enough to replace souls majesty?

September 19, 2019 2:15 p.m.

asm says... #10

It will definitely go in the deck, but it will not replace Soul’s Majesty. All the draw = power are irreplaceable for now. I will make an update after ELD is fully spoiled.

September 19, 2019 3:52 p.m.

PapaBear97 says... #11

What are the opinions on Once Upon a Time in here? 2 mana to draw one off the top 5 seems pretty neat

September 27, 2019 7:46 a.m.