Selvala Brostorm

Commander / EDH asm

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M20 Update —June 26, 2019

Well it’s pretty soon but these new sets just keep coming. I haven’t had a chance to test these changes but these are the swaps I would make to accomodate the new cards from M20.

- 6xSnow-Covered Forest
- Phytoburst
- Yisan, the Wanderer Bard

- Veil of Summer
- Shared Summons
- Sensei's Divining Top
- 4x Green Fetchlands
- Prismatic Vista

Veil of Summer is looking to be a pretty sweet extra piece of protection that can cantrip. Phytoburst is coming out to make room. I’ve felt okay with cutting some of the more all in cards (mainly pump spells) in favor of more general purpose cards. The speed takes a small dip but its not too significant. If you want to be as fast as possible, you can run more pump spells.

Shared Summons seems to be a pretty interesting tutor. It’s a bit expensive, but it grabs 2 creatures, which means you can grab an untapper and whatever piece you needed. Being an instant also means you can cast this with Phyrexian Dreadnought’s etb trigger on the stack and flash in Scryb Ranger or Great Oak Guardian.

I’ve decided to bring in Sensei’s Top in this update as well as I’ve been happy with it lately. The fetch package comes in as well to get additional value out of Top. It’s also decent on the storm turn for digging 3 cards deeper or drawing off Worldly Tutor.

asm says... #1

Scale up is a fine pump spell. It doesn’t let you get super large creatures but also lets you pump a dork more efficiently.

London mulligan shouldn’t really affect deck construction here.

June 23, 2019 3:10 a.m.

Shawasha says... #2

Does the land loop still work without primal command?

June 25, 2019 7:08 p.m.