Selvala Brostorm

Commander / EDH asm

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Modern Horizons Update —June 23, 2019

- Memory Jar
- Uncage the Menagerie
- Ravaging Riftwurm
- Groundswell
- Deglamer

- Fierce Empath
- Karametra’s Acolyte
- Hunted Troll
- Ghalta, Primal Hunger
- Force of Vigor

Haven’t liked Memory Jar too much for a while now. It’s gas, but too risky. Fierce Empath is coming back in as gas. Finds Regal Force for card draw or Great Oak Guardian for untap or Woodland Bellower for utility or Ghalta, Primal Hunger if you need a giant body.

On that note, Hunted Troll is coming back in as a fatty over Ravaging Riftwurm, and Ghalta serving a similar role over Groundswell. I’ve felt riftwurm to be too little power for the cost. Ghalta has been solid to have mid combo, or to start the combo in the mid to late game when you have a significant board state to discount him. Slept on this one for too long.

Karametra's Acolyte is coming in as a back up plan that I’ve been liking if Selvala has been killed a bit too often or stolen with Gilded Drake.

Uncage the Menagerie is coming out because I’ve felt it to be far too expensive and narrow.

Lastly, Force of Vigor is a nice include over Deglamer. Free interaction is powerful, especially one that can trade 2 for 2.

asm says... #1

Yes finale of devastation makes it in for sure. The list has been updated to reflect that.

May 1, 2019 1:05 p.m.

Fluxator says... #2

What do you think about Vivien's Arkbow for Selvala? It seems like it might add some more consistency and a way to spend mana if you get stuck while comboing off.

May 5, 2019 11:32 a.m.

asm says... #3

I’m not a fan. Spending 2 cards and a ton of mana for the first creature isn’t worth it. It’s particularly bad during the combo as it only looks at the top X and you have no guarantee you can hit an untapper.

May 6, 2019 11:47 a.m.

Ekeralos says... #4

With Primal Command no longer in the deck, is it possible to perform a loop that causes opponents to lose from drawing their whole deck without losing to the same thing?

May 10, 2019 2:35 a.m.

asm says... #5

You would need to run either scroll rack, primal command, or an eldrazi to do memory jar loops. That said there isn’t much need to do so, as finale of devastation doubles as a wincon, so there are still multiple avenues to victory.

May 12, 2019 9:38 p.m.

ChrisNicolella says... #6

So if you're not including any eldrazi, Primal Command , Scroll Rack , or any way to shuffle your graveyard into your library to supplement the Memory Jar loop, why are you still running memory jar?

May 19, 2019 1:12 p.m.

Fluxator says... #7

I'm not him, but I imagine Memory Jar is still in the deck because it has uses outside of the loop. For example, if you have mana from Selvala, but no tutors or draw cards to get your wincons, Memory Jar can draw you a new hand for 5 mana, possibly allowing you to finish your combo and win that turn. That's my take on it.

June 2, 2019 5:01 a.m.

asm says... #8

Since the beginning, memory jar was run for the draw effect. The kill loop was just a nice coincidence. Imo its pretty borderline as a draw effect though because of the risk of drawing your opponents into removal, but the density of gas effects is nice.

June 3, 2019 9:42 p.m.

Neth says... #9

What are your thoughts on the london mulligan? Will the deck change with the new mulligan rule?

June 4, 2019 4:59 p.m.

DareMa says... #10

Does Scale Up have a spot in this list?

June 14, 2019 3:28 p.m.

Fluxator says... #11

I'd also like to throw Force of Vigor into the discussion. I'm thinking of running it. Removing two artifacts or enchantments for 0 mana and a green card feels good enough in cEDH for me, but I'd like to hear your opinion. Personally, I find myself with enough extra cards in hand that I don't think the cost will be a problem.

June 16, 2019 7:46 a.m.

catnipe101 says... #12

I added scale up as it is another way of pumping my creatures for 1x green mana at instant speed. Opinions on it?

June 21, 2019 7:39 a.m.