Salt Miner (Rule of Law cEDH)

Commander / EDH* DreadKhan


Big Adjustment? —Dec. 29, 2021

So, keeping in mind the possibility of pulling some wincons/tutors, I could just add in ~5 1 mana counters, mostly for instants, considering Swan Song Dispel Flusterstorm Spell Pierce Miscast Mental Misstep as a starting point. These would help deal with faster decks, giving me stuff to do with U held up. Not sure what I'd want to take out, other than thinning the deck of it's wincons, but it's something to think about. Even if I managed to fit ~3 in, it would still help the deck from a technical perspective, but I think the deck will still depend on Rule of Law to win most games, and I'd hate to lose hatebears, and I cannot afford to cut Opposition Agent removal. I'd hate to lose more of my general purpose removal package, but maybe Banishing Light is secretly a bad card in cEDH? Who knows!

Edit: So, considering pitching Aven Mindcensor for Dauthi Voidwalker, which can give me access to a counterspell potentially, I don't foresee much use beyond that and swinging at Planeswalkers, but both of those things are better than what Mindcensor is doing, which is annoy people. Voidwalker of course also works with Helm of Obedience, which is a nice upside.

I'm also thinking Darksteel Mutation and Banishing Light could probably make way for some 1 mana interaction. For 1 mana counters, it'll probably be Swan Song, because it's probably the best one available for the job. I'd like to see if I can get ~3 in, to give me something to do when I have U up. ATM also looking at Dispel to go with Swansong, giving me 2 U interaction to trial. Does this sound reasonable? The deck usually wants to set up some kind of protection before comboing off, U counters could help offer alternatives beyond just Grand Abolisher and Benevolent Geist.

Edit 2: So, the last touch this seems to 'need' is probably some fast mana to make things 'pop'. The most obvious things are Mana Crypt, Mox Diamond and for the 3rd I'm just not sure atm. I'd pull basics for these, maybe just try two for now? For the record I feel like this deck isn't eager to pitch a spell to Chrome Mox, Mox Opal is not going to be 'on' ever, Mana Vault is the most obvious one to enable big fast plays early, but that's pretty unlikely. It's worth noting that Rocks don't work as well with Rule of Law as Lands do, but speed is kinda everything here. I could also look at Ancient Tomb, I have tons of 2 mana rocks that would love to see that in my opening hand. So, maybe Crypt, Diamond and Ancient Tomb over 1 of each Basic? It'd be faster at least, and speed is our glaring issue (we're often 'busy' turn 3/4, when we want to have interaction up very badly, so earlier Zur would be a huge edge for this deck). I think 15 Basics is still in 'reasonably safe' territory, but it does put my Check Lands into question, will they still have enough hits to be free rolls in here (I am wildly more likely to be punished via colour screw vs a Check have to come in tapped at a time when it mattered)?