Rakdos Demon Experiment

Commander / EDH Shield_of_Aiur


Update 2: Rebuild 1 - March 23, 2024 —March 28, 2024

Well to put it simply, I spent a lot of time in my notebook scribbling different lists of cards and settled on this. I copypasted the old deck into the maybeboard so that I don't lose track of any specific or individual card, though it ended up making a mess. Maybe I'll clean that up later. Or maybe I'll just be a pain and not touch it for months. Time will tell. At any rate, I'll be ordering the cards I don't currently have sometime in May or June, and I'll be sure to post here when I playtest it IRL. Hopefully it kills me and someone else at least twice each, and makes more friendships than a sliver deck ruins, but we'll see.

lil_cheez says... #1

You could cut some lands to add the Rakdos mana artifacts, they all show a little devil symbol in the art XD
Rakdos Signet, Rakdos Cluestone, Rakdos Locket
Also Rakdos lands Rakdos Guildgate, Rakdos Carnarium, Blood Crypt

February 5, 2024 2:29 p.m.

lil_cheez says... #2

Kindred Dominance is a wipe with demons on the art too!

February 5, 2024 2:31 p.m.

Shield_of_Aiur says... #3

Thanks for the card recs lil_cheez. Some of them were already in my maybeboard, but I completely forgot about Rakdos Locket. That'll be a great thing in the toolbox for sure, and fits the flavor as well.

As for Kindred Dominance...it's great in flavor and theory, but there's going to be a mix of demons, devils, and maybe even tieflings and imps. It's part of why I'm worried about Inner Demon, devils aren't demons, but I justified it in the current draft because of it being silly and on-theme. So for now, there are just other one-sided board wipes such as Dread Cacodemon, but I can't really justify In Garruk's Wake...

February 6, 2024 10:23 a.m.