[PRIMER] Riku Combat Veteran

Commander / EDH Forceofnature1


Eldrazi???? —Oct. 16, 2016

So I decided to thrown in Coax from the Blind Eternities to make this deck a little crazier. I thought "If riku is so badass, he should be able to pull some eldrazi from the blind eternities"

Question is- which eldrazi should I have sitting around? This deck is built spellslinger's creature toolbox so.... which eldrazi should I have on deck?

Obviously the big two are great, but I was thinking of something I could copy with riku for value too. Please feel free to suggest some value town eldrazi bodies for me to have at the ready!

carpecanum says... #1

I usually use Riku in my Animar, Soul of Elements decks. Animar makes the creatures very cheap and then its easy to spare the mana for a copy. With Riku as your boss have you thought about adding Jhoira of the Ghitu so you could make anything you want free to cast, two to copy with Riku then a Strionic Resonator for two mana to copy again?

September 18, 2014 1:30 p.m.

Forceofnature1 says... #2

Hey carpecanum thanks for the comment. I'll go down the list-

Animar, Soul of Elements is great for a creature build, huge fatties are cheaper and that is a fun way to play... usually. This build I have been using creatures that fuel the spellslinging or provide some protection in and of themselves (read- Hornet Queen ). I have thought about doing it your way, but prefer the explosive power of copying rather than a multitude of awesome creatures to copy. I built a creature toolbox version of this deck and wasn't very happy with how slow it was to respond to board threats.

Jhoira of the Ghitu LOVE this card! It was also in a previous build after I traded for it from a filthy casual (lol) because I loved it so much. Again, underwhelming in my playgroup as waiting around 4 turns for a fattie to drop as an answer or bomb was simply too slow. I know there are a lot of ways to speed that along, but it felt like the deck was trying to do two things well and not accomplishing either. That being said... I am torn between doing a Jhoira EDH deck or doing an alternate build with Riku that compliments her (read- gets her to the forefront to drop bombs).

Strionic Resonator I have loved that card since my first Kaalia build, just plain loved it. I have considered putting it in but am not sure what to take out.. I threw a Mirari in there as an alternative to Riku... so might as well see what happens with a strionic resonator as well (just brutal, I bet).

Thanks for the suggestions, if you have any thoughts on how to utilize Jhoira + Riku I would love to hear them.

September 18, 2014 1:59 p.m.

snotice says... #3

I love the creature selection in your deck. This looks like a lot of fun to play. Here's my Surrak deck, that is dragon's based: Sucker Punch!

April 17, 2015 7:30 p.m.

eroine says... #4

checking down on all of your finished deck, the big glaring site that i see is your land count, i know i'm no great shakes at this either but, ultimatly your land count should be around 35-40 faster builds need more lands to keep up and more controlling decks can durdel about a bit.

i would consider editing Goblin Electromancer what does this do but lower the spell cost by one, i would rather add an effect that increases the odds of perfect man.

Adding a Chromatic Lantern it is basically the best card in any edh deck to make the perfect mana.

Unless the high spell count is important to you and this card is your win-con but, Runechanter's Pike seams like a two for one in progress. i think that this would be a great spot for adding a land i would recommend a blue producing land. your are also limited on your red lands. sense most of the permanents are blue i would recommend adjusting that first.

May 28, 2015 9:55 p.m.

eroine says... #5


May 28, 2015 9:57 p.m.

Forceofnature1 says... #6

Thanks Eroine, I will update this page as the deck has undergone a bunch of changes.

The land is low because I am cantripping for lands hardcore (it might actually be a couple more than what is listed here, but definitely not 40 lands). I usually start with at least one mana ramp spell in my opening hand. For me, I'm trying to get Riku out ASAP. If I can get one round off with him turn 4 or 5 I'm leaps and bounds ahead of my table.

I've toyed with Chromatic lantern and he's an auto-include in every other edh deck I have. Here... I prefer the cantrip spells over the artifacts. My mana fixing is super easy and with all the dual lands I have getting mana screwed hasn't been a problem in a WHILE. I whittled it down because I kept finding myself getting mana flooded later.

As for the cards to take in or out, I would like your opinion once I update the deck. It's gone through several variations and now I sorta keep a sideboard of cards which I want to list.

You're right about goblin electromancer. He does speed things up, especially if he gets copied, but he is one of the more lackluster creatures here. The runechanters pike was taken out a while ago and replaced with a mage slayer, which was taken out and replaced with a creature. Artifacts are fun and all, but not super useful with this deck in my experience.

The current build is focused on destruction and protection. I like producing some tokens to save me from being swarmed myself or taken out by Thrax. The BIGGEST problem I have is when I play against my friend's Brago prison/control deck.

Thanks for the comments and +1, I'll try to update the deck this weekend and let you know what I'm working with these days. It's been very fun to play =)

May 29, 2015 12:23 p.m.

Hipparchos says... #7


I like your deck; so will there be any updates in the near future? :)

May 9, 2016 5:55 p.m.

Forceofnature1 says... #8

Hey Hipparchos it's updated, more updates to come!

October 14, 2016 6:18 p.m.