Polluted Tempo Infect..

Modern Metroid_Hybrid


3-1 Saturday night Modern Tournament.. —Nov. 9, 2013


Vs Mono-White 'Death & Taxes': 2-0

This guy couldn't do very much to me. I won the high-roll, and so I I started off the first round with an Inquisition of Kozilek, making him get rid of his Path to Exile. He managed to resolve a second turn Leonin Arbiter (but I really wasn't concerned because I don't run any fetch-lands), from there I was able to maintain control over his bigger threats while riding a Plague Stinger w/ Predator's Gambit to an easy victory.. Round 2 went went a little slower, he again resolved a second turn Leonin Arbiter(again; I didn't care much..), and then (third turn) used Ghost Quarter to bomb one of my lands, but I eventually drew into that essential third land to put the game on a clock by dropping an untouchable Phyrexian Crusader on the field, then race him to victory while killing & countering almost everything else he had to throw at me. Near the end he thought he could save his own butt by using Aether Vial to drop a Mirran Crusader in front of my Phyrexian Crusader, but he forgot about my own Crusader's protection.. In the end, he got me down to two life before succumbing to Poison counters..

Vs G/R Werewolves: 2-1

This was interesting considering this is a friend of mine, and these two decks (my Infect & his Werewolves) have an interesting history of going at it off & on for over a year now, and he had barely beaten me in our last encounter a few months back, and he had been talking all kinds of smack about it ever since...

I got screwed the first match as he Lightning Bolt my Blighted Agent early on, and I didn't draw another creature the entire game(sad face).. However the next two matches went very differently as both times I had an Inquisition of Kozilek, Phyrexian Crusader, and plenty of mana in my opening hands, so I had no problem pumping him full of poison while killing or countering anything & everything he tried to throw at me.. This particular victory was very sweet indeed..

Vs Grixis Cruel Control: 1-2

Damn... The same Grixis control deck in my other updates... This guy has a habit of stomping me something awful.. He stomped me the first game. The second game I started off with both of the Noxious Revivals I had sided in, and he had mulliganed to 5, so I able to outpace his control spells while bringing back my Phyrexian Crusaders to eventually win the second match. The third match however went on & on, as he had answer to literally EVERYTHING I had; I was never able to touch him... (He DID come in 1st though, so I didn't feel that bad about it..)

Vs G/R Infect: 2-0

Infect battle -- U/B vs G/R; very interesting indeed.. Luckily both times I started off with mostly control spells, so I was able to just wait to bait out his Instant speed pump-spells before commiting to killing off his creatures, then Mana Leak his attempts to burn my own pumped-up scariness, after which he was never able to recover..


So in the end I came in 3rd, I kind of wish I faced the control deck in the final round so it would've been 2nd, but all-in-all I'm rather happy with how incredibly routine my deck was at dealing with the other decks; Of course I believe that having several opening hands with an Inquisition of Kozilek and/or Phyrexian Crusader seemed to play a huge role in that..

Also because of tonight's performance, I've decided to trade out a single Swiftfoot Boots to bring my Inquisition of Kozilek count up to 4x..