cEDH Patron of the Moon Infinite Landfall

Commander / EDH Zelda_MTG


New cards! —May 18, 2019

I'm throwing in Narset's Reversal, and I finally got a copy of Copy Artifact.

Cuts are always tough. Sleight of Hand seems fine to remove.

Slotting in Copy Artifact is harder. I believe my weakest card is Sapphire Medallion. I have a lot of spells that are double blue, and a lot of artifacts. Plus it doesn't generate mana on it's own anyway.

e.kallman says... #1

Hey, just wanted to drop in and say that I appreciate the update on the Glaciers combo. I am still not sure, as you noted, that it is even worth running, but its too cute to leave out.

March 15, 2019 8:32 a.m.

Suns_Champion says... #2

I’m back with a suggestion this time!

What about Patron of the Moon + Amulet of Vigor + Storm Cauldron ? Infinite mana/landfall triggers. Cmc is high and it sorta helps opponents but if you play it after patron you should be good. Seems easier to assemble that some of your other combos with more pieces.

March 22, 2019 3:05 p.m.

Zelda_MTG says... #3

@Suns_Champion Yeah I've playtested with Storm Cauldron before. In fact, the card was in an earlier version of the deck. As I moved towards cEDH, I found that 5 mana was too much. The older Patron Primer (you can easily Google it), also thought it was a trap.

Thinking about it now, you're right. One less card is a huge deal in a combo. Free bounce is simply the most broken thing you can do in this deck.

Now I just need to find a card to take out.

EDIT: Now I remember, I replaced Storm Cauldron with Cloudstone Curio , which does the same thing, but at 3 mana. I suppose having both wouldn't be a terrible idea.

March 22, 2019 6:57 p.m. Edited.