Oloro White Blue Black Creatureless Control

Commander / EDH hootsnag


Additional Change —May 23, 2022

Removed Hengegate Pathway. Added Urza's Saga.

smack80 says... #1

You could replace Temporal Manipulation with Nexus of Fate and then you don't need the soldevi Digger part of the combo. Then you can use Doomsday to make a deck of just Nexus of Fate.

How do you have Energy field but not Rest in Peace? RIP also combos with Helm of Obedience to kill a player. RIP in this combo can used with Leyline of the Void. Either card also hoses graveyard based decks.

May 12, 2022 4:13 p.m.

hootsnag says... #2

Nexus of fate is too much mana. Also, Soldevi Digger allows me to get back more cards than just Temporal Manipulation. As I've said here in the comments before, running rest in peace isn't an option for this deck. I need my graveyard. I've considered running Leyline of the Void before but I don't think it's necessary. This deck is all about pulling out the infinite turn combo as fast as possible and on as few of mana as possible. Helm of Obedience is a good card but I wouldn't run it in this particular deck. Doomsday can lose you the game so no thanks. I appreciate the feedback!

May 12, 2022 4:53 p.m.