Commander / EDH Suns_Champion

SCORE: 675 | 218 COMMENTS | 65539 VIEWS | IN 228 FOLDERS

"Places, Everyone!" RNA Update —Jan. 19, 2019

Pre-Release is over, and I've acquired the three cards I wanted for this deck!

   OUT:                             IN:
  • Lightning Bolt out for Spear Spewer : Let's be honest, Bolt just isn't Bolt in EDH. Hoping Spear Spewer will get along with Firebrand Archer and Guttersnipe.
  • Quietus Spike out for Electrodominance : Spike never hit a player. I'm salivating at the thought of flashing Heartless Hidetsugu out with Electrodominance :)
  • Kaboom! out for Light Up the Stage : More card draw to replace a sub-par burn spell.

That's all for now! Thanks for the continues upvotes and discussion!

wrinklykiller says... #1

I did get to try it out, but not as much as I'd like. Busy, busy, busy... The few games I have had have been hit or miss. While people don't expect the punishment neheb can deal out, once they know, you (and him) become targets. I've been able to crush the table a few times, make a draw here and there, and lost a few. I've also changed quite a few things from other neheb player's suggestions.

Stuffy Doll to hate a specific player, Combustible Gearhulk big guy with draw or damage, Fire Servant more ouch, Thermo-Alchemist Not sure what to think yet, seems decent, Insult quick doubling damage and some prevention prevention, Magebane Armor makes neheb a bigger tank and avoids your own hate-everything spells, Doubling Cube redonk. I had 100+ mana with it out, Caged Sun eh, chopping block. Kinda helpful but also expensive. Flamekin Village and Hanweir Battlements haste in a pinch, since I can't afford the crazy haste land from kamigawa, Smoldering Crater and some other cyclers for helpful draws later on in the game.

I ended up not using godo or the other card, since I came to the same conclusions you did with them. I also dropped aggravated assault after I hit a table with infinite neheb turns and felt yucky afterwards, haha. All in all, it's been very fun, and I'm still eager for lots more testing when the time of year where everyone isn't busy rolls around again. I also made your firesong and sunspeaker deck but have had zero plays with real people yet, so there's something to look forward to as well. Thanks for responding and I hope to see some update love for these decks in the future with new sets. /wall of text

January 5, 2019 5:09 a.m.

I haven't read through this deck yet. But I'm upvoting this deck just for it's name. With a name like that I already know it's awesome.

January 7, 2019 1:02 p.m.

Suns_Champion says... #3

wrinklykiller thanks for responding! All of those are decent cards I've considered but didn't make the cut, glad you had some success with them! Hope to hear more of your play experiences as time goes on, maybe I can learn something from ya! :)

Weekend_Magic_NC hey, I'll take it haha! Hope you can come back and look at the deck though! Always appreciate more sets of eyes on my pride and joy :)

January 8, 2019 10:29 a.m.

wrinklykiller says... #4

Suns_Champion I actually had a chance to play against real people over the weekend and had good results. The highlight was wiping the life totals of 3 other people, including a cocky lifegain player using jaya's immolating inferno and a reiterate with fire servant out. His 90 life didn't stand a chance. feelsgoodman.jpg I lost another game against a savage pillowfort deck because I didn't save mana to equip swiftfoot boots. It's very important to protect him, all the time, it turns out.

January 8, 2019 2:27 p.m.

Suns_Champion says... #5

wrinklykiller yeah Neheb is certainly the linchpin of the deck. With all the protection I pack it occasionally looks like a voltron deck haha! Looking forward to continued feedback and ideas!

For Anyone Interested

Possible Ravnica Allegiance additions:

Looking for cut suggestions!

January 17, 2019 11:03 a.m.