Necronomicon | Teysa Karlov | Primer

Commander / EDH Masterful

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Late Innistrad: Crimson Vow —Dec. 21, 2021

Here are my thoughts on the set that came out about a month ago. Only one new card ends up making the cut in Storm of Souls. Here's my reasoning:


  • Storm of Souls: This card looks very impressive, especially since everything coming back as 1/1s isn't a downside with Skullclamp. At 6 mana and without having to pay life, this might be better than Command the Dreadhorde. While I haven't completely decided if it's better or not, I'm going to be rolling with it for now. It likely depends on how much you need to rely on opponents' graveyards versus loss of life in your meta.


  • Command the Dreadhorde: There are pros and cons of command versus storm of souls, but ultimately I'm going to run with storm for now. Command lets us access opponents' graveyards, but the life loss is very limiting when we have lower life in the lategame. Storm lets us bring back all of our expensive creatures without having to worry about crowding out our cheaper ones. However, I would still recommend playing command in a heavy grave-hate meta where you're constantly getting Bojuka Bog'd or when your opponents also like to play aristocrats a lot. Accessing their graveyards in these situations is invaluable.

Notable Exclusions

  • Welcoming Vampire, Morbid Opportunist, & Ghoulish Procession: These all trigger only once per turn. That's decent in most aristocrats decks if you're looking for incidental value, but our list is more ambitious than that. Teysa can't double triggers if they "trigger only once per turn," so we'd be wasting her potential on cards like these. They're quite good as budget replacements though.
  • By Invitation Only: It's a decent boardwipe that you can sometimes use asymmetrically, but it's not as mana-efficient as Toxic Deluge or as useful as Living Death or Tragic Arrogance.
  • Haunted Library: Since you have to pay mana to get value out of the death trigger, it's not as useful to double it with Teysa. It also only triggers on opponents' creatures dying, so it's harder to control and abuse.
  • Kamber, the Plunderer: We don't particularly care about discarding to draw or artifact tokens.
  • Cemetery Protector: Doesn't make tokens very efficiently since we don't focus on spellcasting loops.
  • Kaya, Geist Hunter: Her -2 is interesting, but it can only be used once before having to sit for a turn or just die to opposing creatures since she'll be at 1 loyalty afterwards. Since her other abilities aren't useful to us, if you feel like you need this effect, I'd run Anointed Procession instead for more reliability.
  • Priest of the Blessed Graf: If you're consistently playing against 2+ green ramp decks, this is decent. Personally, my playgroup doesn't play decks consistently enough to justify my playing it. It also has some anti-synergy with our own catchup land-ramp cards.
  • Persistent Specimen: It's probably the closest card to getting a spot in the deck. However, I still can't justify its inclusion since we can usually tutor for Reassembling Skeleton anyway. At 3 mana to reanimate itself, it's asking a lot more from our other combo pieces.
  • Doom Weaver: At 6 mana, it's way too much. Even though its effect is quite good if you get it rolling, the fact that you need 6 mana AND more creatures/sac outlets is a lot to ask. Bolas's Citadel fills this niche a lot better since it's self-sufficient.

There are many more that I could talk about, but for the most part, none fit our strategy as much as the cards we're currently running. Speaking of our current list, I'm working on doing a general pass/update on cards I've found underwhelming so far in testing. Right now, I might try to trim our 4-drop slot of Keeper of the Accord, Sifter of Skulls, etc. for more cheap fodder to smooth out the early game. I've recently found that this deck can feel pretty clunky when you end up drawing too many 4-6 drops and not enough 1s and 2s.

kirbysan says... #1

Masterful Thoughts on Curse of the Restless Dead? Seems like your pod goes heavy on ramp so this could be an interesting card. You could also just enchant yourself and save your Brought Back or Second Sunrise to fill up your board.

September 13, 2021 2:23 p.m.

kirbysan says... #2

Also Prowling Geistcatcher could double your board state with a sac outlet similar to Nightmare Shepherd or Luminous Broodmoth.

September 13, 2021 4:32 p.m.

Housegheist says... #3

IMO the Geistcatcher is a straght upgrade compared to Nightmare Shepherd.

September 14, 2021 5:25 a.m.

Masterful says... #4

kirbysan Housegheist Just found time to release the update where I briefly go over these. Curse of the Restless Dead makes tokens too slowly. While ideally it can make a bunch in one turn with fetchlands + Second Sunrise, that's too specific of a situation. Mostly, it'll be making 1-2 tokens per turn, which isn't ideal as a non-death-trigger.

I don't think geistcatcher compares favorably to Nightmare Shepherd or Luminous Broodmoth. Its a one-time effect instead of providing repeated value every time like shepherd or broodmoth. This means its potential is a lot lower.

September 15, 2021 12:58 a.m.

Foster_I_Am says... #5

Hi Masterful - cfost827 here on a new account I created :)

Out of curiosity, have you ever thought about running Academy Rector? He's a pretty solid card that cares about going to the graveyard. It could allow you to immediately put into play our strong Enchantments like Necropotence, Bolas's Citadel, Land Tax, Grave Pact, Bastion of Remembrance - whichever you need most at the given time.

Also, what are your thoughts on Ranger-Captain of Eos? He could tutor up Viscera Seer, Carrion Feeder or sac fodder if needed. He also can stop some of the annoying blue players from countering our spells if needed by saying him.

As always, I'm Looking forward to hearing your feedback! :) Thanks!

October 11, 2021 9:45 p.m.

Vintrastorm says... #6

Hello, and thank you for the read. This is great!

Any thoughts about Martyr's cause (2W) as a sac outlet? Or do you have enough sac outlets/no need to prevent damage?

Works well with Command the dreadhorde, if nothing else.

October 16, 2021 6:35 a.m.

Vintrastorm says... #7

(Sacrifice a creature: The next time a source of your choice would deal damage to any target this turn, prevent that damage.)

October 16, 2021 6:38 a.m.

Foster_I_Am says... #8

Hi Masterful - Hope all is well! Piggybacking of of my previous comment (would love to hear your thoughts on that comment to when you have a chance)

But I recently added back in Generous Gift as there have been several games where that card could have really helped or even saved me haha. At least it my meta, it's proven to be much more effective than Vanishing Verse - only exiling mono colored permanents was quite limiting.

Also, what are your thoughts on a creature + planes-walker removal card like Baleful Mastery? Seems pretty good to me at the expense of your opponent drawing one card.

Also, let me know your thoughts on Academy Rector when you have a chance.

Thanks! :)

October 26, 2021 7:39 p.m.

Masterful says... #9

Foster_I_Am Academy Rector is alright, but remember Teysa can't double her death triggers. When she dies, you can only exile her once, so you only get one enchantment. Bolas's Citadel would be a great target, but it's an artifact. Otherwise, we don't have great single-enchantment targets. Sure, we have some good ones like Necropotence, but paying 4 mana and killing a creature is a lot of hoops to jump through for something that isn't a wincon for our deck. Ranger-Captain of Eos is alright but definitely worse than Ranger of Eos and Recruiter of the Guard. I'd play it if we had more slots. Right now, it's a fine budget replacement for recruiter.

You can definitely play Generous Gift over Vanishing Verse. It's mostly personal preference, but I like having access to a 2-mana catch all removal spell for tutoring reasons. We already have Anguished Unmaking to tutor for when we have 3 mana, but if we need to remove an enchantment with 2 mana for example, we have no tutor targets. That's why I play verse. Personally, I think verse is better than Baleful Mastery in most situations. It doesn't draw your opponents a card and can hit enchantments or colored artifacts. However, removal spells are pretty similar and situational anyway, so play whatever you like best.

Vintrastorm I like Martyr's Cause, and it's especially good if the main way you're dying in your meta is to one source, like a voltron commander. Being 3 mana though, it's not the most efficient sac outlet, so I prefer cheaper creature-outlets, altars for mana generation, or something like Spawning Pit for guaranteed value. I haven't tested it a ton, and maybe the damage prevention is stronger than I'm giving it credit for. It's definitely a fun political tool at the very least. I think I'll try it instead of spawning pit next time I playtest the deck.

November 2, 2021 5:29 p.m.

kirbysan says... #10

Masterful, with only 1 more day of Crimson Vow spoilers to go, I haven't seen any card that's really screamed Teysa yet. What are your thoughts?

November 3, 2021 2:17 p.m.

kirbysan says... #11

Coming in at the last second Kaya, Geist Hunter could be a good token doubler. I like that it's 3CMC so you could play it a turn before Teysa Karlov. Its +1 could be used to keep pressure on the board if you don't have sac outlets. Also, that ultimate ability is great if you can get her up to 6.

November 4, 2021 10:12 p.m.

Eloniel says... #12

Kaya is a no brainer for this deck i think. Welcoming vampire is interesting for drawing a bit.

Panicked witness could be interesting a gain a bit of life if the game is too long.

November 5, 2021 5:19 a.m.

kirbysan says... #13

Persistent Specimen is a worse Reassembling Skeleton. But it’s fetchable with Ranger of Eos.

November 5, 2021 3:26 p.m.

Eloniel says... #14

November 7, 2021 7:34 p.m.

kirbysan says... #15

Morbid Opportunist & Welcoming Vampire both have the "only once per turn" tag. This makes them infinitely worse than other cards that don't have the tag so I'd doubt they make the slot.

November 8, 2021 12:27 p.m.

Eloniel says... #16

But you can use them during each opponents turns too, if you draw a card for each opponents turn and yours it's already pretty good. It's better than mentor of the meek that doesn't have this constraint but you need to pay a mana each time

November 8, 2021 12:58 p.m.

kirbysan says... #17

Right, but the goal of the deck is to chain combos on your turn for as much value as possible. The current draw cards include Skullclamp, Dark Prophecy, Grim Haruspex, Liliana, Dreadhorde General, Midnight Reaper. If you're looking for more budget options or don't have these cards yet and have Morbid & Welcoming already then you should use them, but your explosive potential will be limited.

November 8, 2021 1:48 p.m.

kirbysan says... #18

Storm of Souls provides full recursion for all creatures in your graveyard for 6cmc with no drawbacks. Could replace Agadeem's Awakening  Flip? Command the Dreadhorde is still nice since it can target opponent's graveyards too.

November 9, 2021 2:52 p.m.

What about Haunted Library?

November 13, 2021 8:43 a.m.

kirbysan says... #20

I want to say it's no. It triggers on opponents death triggers rather than our own and you need a mana to pay for it so it's harder to chain.

November 13, 2021 11:32 a.m.

Halestor19 says... #21

kirbysan it would work. Teysa says if a creature dying causes an ability of a permanent you control to trigger. A creature dying causes haunted library to trigger.

November 14, 2021 5:25 p.m.

kirbysan says... #22

I'm not saying it wouldn't work but it doesn't fit the strategy of the deck. You'd need to kill an opponent's creature in order for it to trigger. Sure we have some board wipes but the death triggers are mostly off sacrificing our own creatures.

November 15, 2021 12:31 a.m.

Halestor19 says... #23

Besides the land is there anything worth putting in teysa that will add more value?

November 18, 2021 11:25 a.m.

kirbysan says... #24

Personally I'm picking up the following from Crimson Vow: Shattered Sanctum, Kaya, Geist Hunter, Persistent Specimen, Storm of Souls. Not sure about the swaps yet though but I think Storm of Souls could replace Agadeem's Awakening  Flip. I've never used Agadeem's flipside for a land, it grabs everything from your graveyard, also makes them all Skullclamp targets and since we have no way to recur sorceries, it exiling itself doesn't matter much to us. I want to find a place for Kaya, Geist Hunter simply for the -2 ability since it's a cheap token doubler but no idea who to swap her out for.

November 18, 2021 11:49 a.m.

Masterful says... #25

kirbysan Eloniel esperdeathblade Halestor19 Sorry for the late response! I should have the crimson vow update coming soon. For my thoughts on the cards you mentioned, Kaya, Geist Hunter is a bit win-more. Her +1 isn't useful, and her -2 is slow to use repeatedly. I'd run Anointed Procession over her if you want this effect. However, tokens aren't the main strategy of the deck, and she doesn't actually produce any on her own.

Morbid Opportunist and Welcoming Vampire, like Kirbysan said, don't have as high a ceiling as our current draw pool. It's nice they trigger off of tokens, but only drawing one card per turn is a bit slow compared to our other cards. They're great budget options to replace any pricy card draw though.

Haunted Library, being something we can't trigger ourselves, doesn't synergize much with the rest of the deck. It's nice in slow, grindy situations, but we'd prefer creatures we can sac immediately.

Shattered Sanctum is a fine budget replacement for any of our current lands, but we don't actually need more duals, especially some that conditionally enter tapped. The only land we have that can enter tapped is Fabled Passage and that's because it can generate value with Brought Back et al. With the amount of fetches we have, color consistency isn't a problem. I also wouldn't replace a basic with it, since we need our basics for Land Tax, Keeper of the Accord, etc.

Storm of Souls is the best card we're getting with this set. It does everything we want in a mass reanimation spell, and funnily enough, them turning to 1/1s is somewhat of an upside for Skullclamp reasons. However, I wouldn't replace Agadeem's Awakening  Flip for it. Awakening is played in a land slot since it's essentially a swamp with a small life tax that doubles as a huge reanimation spell. Not that I will, but I would replace a swamp over awakening any time. It's one of our best lands. I'm probably going to replace Command the Dreadhorde because we care more about reanimating our whole graveyard for no life than having the option to reanimate opponents' creatures. While we could play both, they fill the same niche, and we have tutors for when we really need this effect.

Persistent Specimen has a lot of potential. I'm on the fence about it. On the one hand, it's good redundancy for when our Reassembling Skeleton is lost or when we need to draw either. On the other hand, we have so many tutors that I'm not sure how much more we gain by running two of these. By costing 3 to reanimate, it requires an extra source of mana generation to go infinite, so I'm going to bench it for now.

Thanks for being patient and keeping up the discussion! I'll get the update out soon.

November 23, 2021 3:04 p.m.