Necronomicon | Teysa Karlov | Primer

Commander / EDH Masterful

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Adventures in the Forgotten Realms —July 16, 2021

With AFR and AFC here, there are quite a few new cards to consider for aristocrats.

  • First up are Dancing Sword and Icingdeath, Frost Tyrant. Despite having cool death triggers, they aren't repeatable with Teysa Karlov, so we won't be running them here. Icingdeath's equipment is legendary, so we'd have to sacrifice one of them, effectively making it so they weren't doubled by Teysa (not that such an equipment would be super useful in the first place). Dancing Sword would potentially be strong if worded differently, but in its current state, it becomes a creature and stops there.

  • Guardian of Faith could be a meta-answer to a ton of board wipes. It's not nearly as strong as Teferi's Protection, but it still does a great job of protecting your creatures. Additionally, having a situational effect like this on a creature lets it perform as fodder in worst-case-scenarios, something that's very important in aristocrats. It's too situational to make it in this list, but don't be afraid to play it if you're losing to boardwipes often.

  • Ebondeath, Dracolich makes a noble attempt at competing with Reassembling Skeleton, but it's ultimately too expensive. Flash is nice, but 4 mana for a single creature is probably too slow.

  • Deadly Dispute joins the ranks of Village Rites, Costly Plunder, and the like for instant speed sacrifice-based draw. These cards are never bad to play, but they're not as good as repeatable draw like Skullclamp or Midnight Reaper.

  • Shambling Ghast is the best death trigger from the two sets. Creating a treasure upon death is strong, especially if it's recurred multiple times in the same turn with Teysa out. However, it still doesn't quite make the cut due to the difficulty of bringing it back repeatedly. Most of our infinite combos utilize Reassembling Skeleton or Nether Traitor, so Ghast won't help. If we just use it for value, making a treasure is generally worse than making a creature in aristocrats.

However, the card I'm considering most for the deck is Loyal Warhound. At first glance, it may seem like a bad ramp card, but it has quite a few reasons to play it over its contemporaries. First, it's a creature. Aristocrats love creatures, especially Teysa, since they mean more death triggers. It also has perfect stats for our secret commander, Skullclamp. Having played a lot of Knight of the White Orchid, believe me when I say creature ramp is worth it. Additionally, I wouldn't say the land coming in tapped, being limited only to a basic plains, or only ramping when behind on lands are deal breakers. Like I mention in the primer somewhere, if your opponents win the die-roll for turn order, they'll choose to go first 99% of the time, and most playgroups will let you choose to go second if you win the die-roll. Therefore, you shouldn't have a problem being behind in lands to at least one player every game. The main downside of the card is that it won't usually ramp you on turn 2 which is sometimes the most crucial ramp turn. Thankfully, Teysa isn't a commander you want to run out ASAP, so having 4 mana by turn 3 isn't as necessary as it is for some decks. For now, I'll be replacing Fellwar Stone with the Warhound. I'm confident the dog will be strong, but I could see myself swapping fellwar back in the future. In faster metas, consistent ramp like Fellwar Stone is definitely better. Warhound is the greedy option since it gives more value overall.

Like always, if there are any cards I missed or anything you want to hear my opinions on, let me know in the comments. I read and answer every comment eventually, but it can sometimes take me a while.

kirbysan says... #1

Masterful Thoughts on the new card Shambling Ghast?

June 30, 2021 12:55 p.m.

Masterful says... #2

kirbysan It's not bad, but I don't like it as much as Doomed Traveler and the like. Making a creature is more useful than treasures or -1/-1 counters in aristocrat strategies. It's theoretically very strong if reanimated multiple times in one turn while Teysa's out to get a bunch of treasures, but that's a niche scenario.

July 2, 2021 12:32 p.m.

MilkBreath56 says... #3

Thank you very much for posting and maintaining this deck list!

I see so Teysa Karlov lists which, having played Teysa regularly since she came out, I question how they perform or if someone ever actually ran more than once. It's nice to see a list which actually sees play, and even gets updated regularly.

I love Teysa as a commander and am grateful to you for the work you've put into this. My deck was starting to lose it's competitiveness and I was lost as to what to do; this has helped me significantly! Major props Masterful!

July 15, 2021 10:07 p.m.