Necronomicon | Teysa Karlov | Primer

Commander / EDH Masterful

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Vilis + Early Eldraine —Sept. 6, 2019

Recently added Vilis, Broker of Blood and took out Ogre Slumlord. Vilis works with about 25% of the deck and, like Razaketh, the Foulblooded, will probably win us the game if we get him out for a turn. I've found that the ogre has been lackluster as of late. He's often too late to the board to make a huge impact with many tokens. I like Reqiuem Angel a lot more cause she triggers off our other tokens.

Eldraine's still a mystery, but Syr Konrad, the Grim and Chittering Witch make me a bit optimistic. I'm not sure these two are worth it, but if the set has more cards with similar abilities, they might make the cut. Konrad is probably worth running in a heavy creatures-being-put-into-graveyards meta, but otherwise, he seems too expensive for a Blood Artist effect.

Jaxters says... #1

What about Vilis, Broker of Blood ? Doesn't really care about death triggers but with the amount of life gain this would seem quite a good card.

August 24, 2019 2:26 p.m.

Masterful says... #2

Jaxters Vilis didn't surprise me at first, but I've been looking into him recently, and it seems like he'd be insanely good. There are 24 cards in the deck currently that cause self-lifeloss, so I'll probably find a spot for him.

August 24, 2019 10:07 p.m.