My snake deck (that title took me two weeks...)

Casual seshiro_of_the_orochi


Some big changes: bye bye, Nemesis —Aug. 25, 2017

Some big changes happened to the deck. I gave up on the desert plan. I only yet have one Ramunap Hydra, and maybe they'll get added when I get more, but for now, it's not worth the effort. Instead, I kicked Nemesis of Mortals and went up to four Honored Hydra. It can't cost two mana, but a fourdrop 6/6 trample is powerful enough to get rid of Nemesis, especially with the possible powerboost it can get from Rancor, Seshiro the Anointed and Kaseto, Orochi Archmage. I also re-added the third Prey Upon and also a fourth one to the sideboard. More removal main means more control power and a bigger chance to get more of Seshiro's damage triggers.

DP87 says... #1

In my opinion, mana cost is high, i think that ambush viper, tangle asp, winding constrictor and other cards permit you to be more aggressive. Rancor is very good but i would prefer global enchantments

August 5, 2017 4:31 p.m.

DP87: thanks for the comment. It's true that more twodrops would allow me to be more aggressive, but there are two reasons for my decision to curve out instead of flooding the field with twodrops. Firstly, my main card is a sixdrop. I've had earlier version with a lot of twodrops, and it proved to be hard to stand my ground to decks that curved out. This led to situations where seshiro came down and i still lost because there weren't enough snakes left. Secondly, the deck's objective simply isn't straight aggro. I want to play long games where i can outvalue my opponents. If i need to finish faster, there is Kaseto, Orochi Archmage as a main deck way of doing it, and there are many ggressive cards in my sideboard.

Thanks a lot for the comment, it really had me thinking. Maybe i should build a second, more aggresive snake deck as well, but without seshiro. Interesting idea.

August 6, 2017 3:11 a.m.

thijmnesoy says... #3

@seshiro_of_the_orochi did you already take A look on my Kaseto commander deck? It's very similar to this deck.

August 6, 2017 3:19 a.m.

thijmnesoy: i think i did, but if not, i'll definitely have now.

August 6, 2017 3:28 a.m.

Birdland says... #5

+1 from me! I really like this deck so far, and I'm looking forward to seeing it completed. I made a bird tribal deck, you should have a look if you're interested.

August 13, 2017 2:02 a.m.

CheapDecks101 says... #6

What's with the deserts? They are really just bad Islands and Forests because you don't have any desert synergy. If there in for the cycling there are similar cards but with a cycling cost of 1.

August 13, 2017 4:07 p.m.

Tio_Infernape says... #7

As the guy above mentioned, unless you bring some sinergy, the deserts aren't doing much but if you want some cycling lands just for those situations when you draw a land on turn 10 i think Tranquil Thicket and Lonely Sandbar are better options.

Also, maybe i'll do a casual cat tribal like your deck since C17 let the cats out of the bag and they left me feline pretty excited about them (i had to do the puns, srry xD )

August 13, 2017 9:06 p.m.

CheapDecks101, Tio_Infernape: I know Tranquil Thicket and the like, but the deserts will hopefully have some synergy soon as I'm planning on including some copies of Ramunap Hydra. Unfortunately, I couldn't get any yet. I'm planning to get to like six deserts and two Ramunap. This in combination with Commune with the Gods and Noose Constrictor should make a turn 4 5/5 Ramunap Hydra possible. Thanks a lot for your input though. Without it, I maybe would have forgotten to take them out if I decided against Ramunap.

Regarding the cats: I just ordered the feline ferocity deck. It's just so freaking awesome. Raksha, Kemba, Jedit, Mirri...damn, I can't wait to hear them purr ;)

August 14, 2017 2:19 a.m.