My snake deck (that title took me two weeks...)

Casual seshiro_of_the_orochi


Some new aquirements 2.0 —June 12, 2017

It's a great feeling to order new stuff for my favourite deck. I bought two Prowling Serpopard and finally a Hooded Hydra.

Serpo, how i'll call my fluffy ophiofeline friend, will replace the two Overrun in the sideboard (first time ordering stuff for a sideboard, yeah). Hoody will go to the main. I thoughr about the slot for quite some time, and i think i'll drop the fourth Commune with the Gods. The first one is great, and sometimes the second is even better, as they fill my graveyard with creatures for Nemesis of Mortals and with Sosuke's Summons. The third usually gets worse, and many times, the fourth is just unnecessary. So i'll take another late game drop for this.

The cards will get added as soon as they arrive.

Edit: Hooded Hydra added in exchange for the fourth Commune with the Gods.

Edit 2: The two Prowling Serpopard pushed the two overrun out of the sideboard.

Uncanny_Ghoul says... #1

Dat's definetly not your usual go to snake deck.

Time of Need - Sosuke, Son of Seshiro - Bow of Nylea comes to mind.

You should probably update the mana base too

Great deck, I like it.

May 21, 2017 5:36 p.m.

ghoul_Legion: thanks, i appreciate the +1 and the comment :)

Regarding your suggestions: time of need indeed is interesting now that i rely a little more on kaseto. Might give it a shot. I left out sosuke on purpose because he isn't as powerful as he seems, especially here, where not a single creature benefits from his poison ability. Bow of nylea is a nice idea...i just took out some Bident of Thassa, but maybe the bow is worth trying.

Thanks a lot :)

May 22, 2017 1:41 a.m.

Dude. It's beautiful and super cool. I really dig your story behind the title, because I 100% get it! I have a few decks just like that :p

I see time of need in you maybeboard, and I think you need it! It's amazing and cheap!

Stay frosty, friend :)

May 28, 2017 5:35 a.m.

Thanks a lot :) it's weird how much heart many players put into their decks, and it is a thing that is really important to me.

I'll try to get some time of need soon.

May 28, 2017 5:52 a.m.

Yeah man. More than half my decks are more or less all about flavour and aesthetics than actual playability. To me, the assembly and final imagery of the deck is 10 times more important than winning. That said, it is then 100 times more satisfying, when your theme-in-check, gimmicky, dark horse of a deck actually manages to win :D and I do pride myself on making decks that balance power and flavour :) - like it seems you do ;)

May 28, 2017 6 a.m.

I definitely do :) it's just super satisfying when the engine of your deck works the ways you wanted, and even more so if it's a rather weird engine.

May 28, 2017 6:12 a.m.

Yes! All hail the glorious weird :D btw, where are you from? I noticed in the description that you talked about the "country you're from", so I figured you weren't from the states, as it would seem that is the default of this site.

May 28, 2017 6:33 a.m.

Let's say central europe and leave it like that. This is the internet after all, don't wanna tell too exactly ;)

May 29, 2017 11:01 a.m.

sure, man. I'm from Scandinavia :)

May 29, 2017 1:42 p.m.

I've guessed it from some of your answers from your shaman deck before :p good to know i've been correct :D

May 29, 2017 5:01 p.m.

Tio_Infernape says... #11

You know what makes me salty? Nagas. I love those freaks but they have no support for their tribal, even if they are more snake than the orochi from Kamigawa (they have 4 arms and legs! What kind of snake is that?)

Sultai Skullkeeper and Naga Oracle would be nice for the Grave plan, while Weaver of Currents is a Sol Ring with scales, but there's no point in putting then into your deck because they aren't a goddamn snake. Too bad, So sad :( but now that i'm thinking about, maybe i can do something for then...hmmm...time to make some research.

In case i didn't upvote this deck before (i think i did) i'll be sure to give a +1

June 4, 2017 10:35 a.m.

Thanks for the +1.

I know that feel. Actually i'm currently working on a naga deck, and until now, i think the combination between between weaver of currents and Vizier of the Menagerie is the engine you want to rely on. I'm still hoping for a naga lord in HoD...we'll see :)

June 4, 2017 11:41 a.m.

Tio_Infernape says... #13

I'm thinking about a dredge-like strategy, dumping creatures into the graveyard (especially the Honored Hydra) to make the Nemesis cheaper and maybe Ghoultree too, i'll see.

June 4, 2017 12:25 p.m.

Very interesting. Considering the rampability of the naga and their exclusive rights on exploit, Protean Hulk might be fun with them.

June 5, 2017 2:24 a.m.