Milling Gone Rogue (Precon Upgrade Guide)[PRIMER]

Commander / EDH VorelNailo


With the release of Commander Legends... —Nov. 24, 2020

Well, Commander Legends is finally here, and even if this set doesn't fulfil all my dreams (which it doesn't), there's still a few cards that I feel are worthy of a slot, along with some honorable mentions.


  • Court of Cunning. Powerful mill for cheap, extra card draw, and our sneaky rogues can steal back the monarch if necessary.

  • Sakashima of a Thousand Faces. IT'S A NEW SAKASHIMA!!! A: She's a rogue. B: she can copy Anowon, so double the buffs, milling, and card draw, and C: she's got some wicked art


Honorable Mentions

  • Hullbreacher. It's Notion Thief crossed with Smothering Tithe, and if the price ever drops it may find a slot.

  • Mnemonic Deluge. This is a lot of mana, but a very powerful effect. More playtesting necessary to get a final decision.

  • Vampiric Tutor. This goes without saying. I got a booster box yesterday, and this would be an incredible pull.

  • Rakshasa Debaser. It's a powerful reanimation effect, but a lot of mana. More playtesting necessary.

  • Opposition Agent. With my playgroup starting to play more tutors and fetches, this is becoming better and better. It's also getting cheaper, so ????. This would also be a fantastic pull.

A huge shoutout to Goblin_Guide and This_is_your_commander_speaking for putting up with this deck and not banning it from our tables, and to everyone who commented, suggested, or gave a +1.

SirChris39 says... #1

VorelNailo i like your take on anowon precon deck and i am trying to make deck with him and if you can take a look at it

October 29, 2020 6:09 p.m.

wgoms says... #2

  • Deathcut Rogue VS Marang River Prowler: deathcut 1 colorless 2 hybrid for a 2/2 "unblock" while marang cost 2 colorless 1 blue for a 2/1 unblock and can be cast from grave (cooler when Rankle is on field).

  • How about Earwig Squad, Thada Adel, Thieving Skydiver, Rootwater Thief, Master Thief, Agent of Treachery and Gonti? Exploring the "thief" theme controlling your opponent. Not just attacking with unblockables rogues.

November 2, 2020 2:11 a.m.

VorelNailo says... #3

wgoms: Yes, Marang River Prowler is in most ways better than Deathcult Rogue and a good addition.

  • Earwig Squad is annoying and can shut down combo decks, but has no synergy with the rest of the deck other than it's a rogue.

  • Thada Adel, Acquisitor can be very salty and combo-y, and I have no artifact combo decks in my playgroup.

  • Thieving Skydiver is too inconsistent.

  • Rootwater Thief is an interesting find! Seeing it errated to a Merfolk Rogue is new. Again, it doesn't really synergize with the deck.

  • Master Thief is again, inconsistent.

  • Agent of Treachery used to be in the deck, but was traded to Goblin_Guide (for use in deck:The Lord of Options | Atris EDH Primer, check it out) in exchange for a Coat of Arms.

  • Gonti, Lord of Luxury didn't make the cut; I respect him as a commander, but don't want him in the 99.

I like your ideas about doing multiple sub-themes within the Rogue-tribal theme. I am attempting to do this by utilizing several straight-mill cards (Fleet Swallower, Traumatize, Keening Stone, and eventually the new one from ZR), as these synergize with our commander, and allow us to win either through damage or milling. Thank you for your interest in the deck! Your suggestions are greatly appreciated.

November 3, 2020 4:16 p.m.

Goblin_Guide says... #4

I actually disagree with the decision to not include Earwig Squad; I think because it can be only , it can be an easier-to-cast unkicked Sadistic Sacrament with a 5/3 Rogue attached which seems actually really good. I think it should go in if you ever have a slot open. I think being a utility creature with the subtype rogue should already be good enough, if you don't think about the number of slots available.

November 3, 2020 4:28 p.m.

wgoms says... #5

Cool new custom tabs. Can you someday see my Anowon decklist? I'm opened for tips. Have a nice day ;)

November 7, 2020 10:36 p.m.