Glittering Company

Modern JacobAGrossman

SCORE: 278 | 334 COMMENTS | 47108 VIEWS | IN 86 FOLDERS

200 —July 15, 2021

Wow, 200 upvotes!! I'm so honored and humbled. This deck would be nothing without this community. Heck, this deck would still be trying to play the Ranger Captain the wrong way, or even still be tagged with "8 Rack," if not for the community here. Just want to thank everyone profusely, and hoping to have many more awesome discussions with everyone on these boards :D

chriscar0702 says... #1

why run chord over eladarmis call? it just seems better and faster.

February 19, 2021 5:23 p.m.

JacobAGrossman says... #2

Hi, chriscar0702, good question! So there are two key differences. First, the Chord puts the creature directly into play, the Call does not. Second, the chord is also usually not as expensive as it looks, due to convoke, and I can usually cast it pretty easily without sinking too much mana into it. Same reason I use Collected: it puts things right into play, does two at once, and is relatively cheap. I would love to use thinks like Finale of Devastation , or Eldritch Evolution , but this deck is very carefully calculated to be the utmost level of efficiency with each card it casts, and those are the best for their slots.

February 19, 2021 8:05 p.m.

dichia says... #3

Since you run Knight of the Reliquary in the sideboard, what about Kessig Wolf Run for your infinite mana combo and Rogue's Passage for your infinite power combos with Quillspike or Carrion Feeder ? If you add Conclave Mentor to the Spike Feeder + Heliod, Sun-Crowned combo your Spike Feeder will get infinite power too.

Also, what do you think about Sigarda, Host of Herons in the sideboard?

April 26, 2021 4:37 a.m.

JacobAGrossman says... #4

Hey, dichia, thanks for the comments! And, actually, those are some great suggestions. Rogue's Passage would actually be perfect for the deck, the problem is actually just it's first ability. This deck is so color sensitive, its mana needs to be exactly right, early on. The problem with lands that tap for colorless mana is try end up making it way too difficult to cast things like Glittering Wish or Chord of Calling as early as I need to. Otherwise, there would be a bunch of different lands I would be using as well. If they ever make an ability like that on something that taps for green, white, or black, I'm all in.

In regards to your next suggestion, I hadn't even thought about that one! That's going in right away :D

And for your third one, it's a Heartbreaker. I would love to be able to cast things that cost 5 and up off the side from a Wish, but it just gets too steep. I have tried many an expensive sideboard card in the past, and I find it is generally better to try and stick with the 3 mana and under threshold that I've set up in the main deck as well.

Really appreciate you taking the time to read and comment. Am excited for the new card, and looking forward to watching out for new lands being printed in the future!

April 26, 2021 10:12 a.m.

dichia says... #5

Can I ask you how well does Collected Company works with so many non-creature cards? How many creatures do you think a deck needs for CoCo to be worth?

April 27, 2021 10:54 a.m.

JacobAGrossman says... #6

Absolutely! It actually does exceedingly well. The decks usually function at a tournament level of consistency with 4 CoCos and 4 of another spell, albeit Finale of Devastation , Eldritch Evolution , Postmortem Lunge , or whatever it is. Even though it is riskier to add in 4 more spells with the wishes, it is still so worth it to have them in the deck. The Glittering Wish es are obviously core, and win the game whenever they come around. Sure, a Collected Company could hit a Wish and fizzle, but it could also do the same with any of my remaining lands, or the other 3 CoCos. You gotta spend money if you wanna make money!

April 27, 2021 11:15 a.m.