Glittering Company

Modern JacobAGrossman

SCORE: 278 | 334 COMMENTS | 47108 VIEWS | IN 86 FOLDERS

Sorry for the delay —April 6, 2019

Massive, MASSIVE update to the description. I hope I've done a good job of breaking down all the cards and strategies of the deck, but let me know if y'all have any questions! Thanks for reading :)

unclaimedpants says... #1

Hello! I think this deck is super sweet but as a new player I have a few questions.. Is Duskwatch Recruiter  Flip there to search your entire deck for whatever creature you want with the infinite mana from Devoted combo? Also since it's a 1 of do you Chord it out? Why the Melira if it disable your combos? Why is Spirit of the Labyrinth there on mainboard as a disruption card? What is Canopy there for in not to be brought back with Runamap? Again sorry for being a noob but i'd like to try this deck archetype and am trying to learn all I can. Thanks so much for your time!

June 20, 2018 2:20 p.m.

JacobAGrossman says... #2

Well, hello there, unclaimedpants. Great username, by the way :). Thank you for the compliment. Let's break it down: That is precisely the reason Duskwatch Recruiter  Flip is there. And also, exactly right again with Chord of Calling to bring it out. Melira, Sylvok Outcast is there to stop infect. She can stop an infect deck cold, it's rather embarrassing. She does hinder the infinite mana combo, but she is still an integral part of the infinite damage or infinite life combo, so her upside is huge! Spirit of the Labyrinth is mainboard for twofold reasons. It's a 3 body for 2, which is always lovely. Don't forget this deck can also just attack for the win. But it's mostly mainboard because almost literally every deck draws more than one card a turn. It can stop entire strategies like discard and cycling that Hollow One, Death's Shadow, KCI, Storm, etc. I don't ever draw more than one card a turn, so it's perfect. Lastly, Horizon Canopy is pure amazingness on it's own. It just lands as a regular ol' dual land, and can be used as a one-time, uncounterable draw. On it's own, it would be amazing. Granted, with Runamap, it would be even better. But Runamap on its own without the Canopy, only brings back fetches which I wouldn't need. I don't need more cards in the deck that depend on other cards to function, I'm trying to play the valuetown strategy of what happens if I draw just this card and have nothing else. Don't worry about being a noob, we were all noobs at one point :D

June 20, 2018 11:13 p.m.

unclaimedpants says... #3

Is there a chance you could post strategies, or perhaps gameplay of yourself piloting the deck? I've tried using it in TableTop Simulator with friends to mixed results, that I think comes from lack of knowledge. ^~^' It's such a cool deck though! I will continue to use it to the best of my ability!

June 24, 2018 4:49 a.m.

shadow63 says... #4

Is the 1x of kitesail worth it in here?

October 26, 2018 12:01 a.m.