May We Never Part | Teysa Karlov EDH | PRIMER

Commander / EDH Darkshadow327

SCORE: 147 | 94 COMMENTS | 21643 VIEWS | IN 62 FOLDERS

War of the Spark —May 7, 2019

War of the Spark is probably my favorite set ever. I love the flavor of it, and the cards are pretty cool too. Anyways, because the set has released I have found a place for a few new cards in the deck:

Liliana, Dreadhorde General: Seriously, this card is perfect for the deck! We get card, draw, tokens, and removal all in one place! What's not to love?

God-Eternal Oketra: This card just provides great value since she creates tokens and is a decently sized body. The fact that she is nigh impossible to take down is nice too.

God-Eternal Bontu: A nice mass sacrifice outlet. The card draw paired with the fact that she is very hard to remove just makes it sweeter. Another great way to utilize Bontu is to sacrifice her so that she gets shuffled back in and you can cast again.

Cruel Celebrant: Just another Blood Artist type card that isn't super expensive.

Also thinking about adding in Despark, Bolas's Citadel, Finale of Glory, and Finale of Eternity. Until I can decide if they get a spot they'll be hanging out in the sideboard

zigkid3 says... #1

Hi, responding to your post on advertising your commander deck.

I would really suggest moving the Skullclamp from the maybe board to the mainboard. Drawing 4 cards with Teysa is just so good. I suggest fitting it in by taking out Faith's Reward

Also, Phyrexian Reclamation would be a great recursion card that keeps your cmc low as well. Another good recursion/removal card (and especially if you have a sac outlet out) would be Living Death

I posted mine on the advertise your commander deck post as well if you want to check it out, upvote/comment.

February 10, 2019 1:55 p.m.

Darkshadow327 says... #2

Thanks for the comment zigkid3.

Skullclamp is an option for people who may want to put it in. Drawing 4 cards is great; however, I've found that when playing this deck I find that I hold things in hand.

In regards to Phyrexian Reclamation if I want a cheaper recursion then I would run the strictly better (in my opinion) Oversold Cemetery . Living Death is something that I've thought about, I may need to reconsider it.

Also, if you like the deck feel free to leave an upvote!

February 10, 2019 3:07 p.m.

MtgSalt says... #3

I am posting a comment because of the Advertise your deck game forum. I can't see shit i would change there may be a few things i would say but I don't know what all synergizes with what. I mean it looks like everything goes together so who knows what taking one thing out does to 20 strategies. I guess though since i play a Ghave, Guru of Spores deck I have a good infinite colorless mana combo that you could use in this deck. It would work wonders with sacrificing. My combo is Ghave, Guru of Spores Ashnod's Altar Parallel Lives Cathars' Crusade you don't need the cathar's crusade but man does it buff everyone fast with the combo. The combo you can use is a little different. You have the token doubler Anointed Procession and Ashnod's Altar so you would need something like Thopter Squadron which you have a thopter card already so you could use them also to sac another similar card is Pentavus all have similar effects to Ghave, Guru of Spores

(please leave some feedback and comment what you think would work and upvote) My deck:

Ghave, Guru of Spores

Commander / EDH Whitehamma


February 10, 2019 8:03 p.m.

Darkshadow327 says... #4

Well, I'll take that as a compliment of the deck being built well Whitehamma! Infinite mana would definitely be interesting, but if I did that I would have to change the entire deck to function around it. That's definitely a cool idea though!

February 10, 2019 8:14 p.m.

MtgSalt says... #5

Definitely well built.

February 10, 2019 10:49 p.m.

Cloudius says... #6

+1 Awesome deck and cool formatting. Here's my attempt to help you maintain that #1 spot!

Teysa Karlov excites me the moment the card was spoilt for RNA as she is a perfect fit for my Athreos, God of Passage Aristocrat deck.

Recurring Nightmare

Commander / EDH Cloudius


Thoughtpicker Witch and Hidden Stockpile are great sac outlets for me in this deck. Witch allows me to lock down a player's draw as long as I've sufficient creatures to sac/recur each turn. Stockpile synergises with Teysa and coughs out tokens after tokens. You may wish to consider them too.

I've yet to tweak my deck to fit in the RNA cards as I was busy brewing another deck recently. Would like to tap on your knowledge on which cards I can remove to put in Teysa Karlov . Any other feedback, comments or suggestions are welcomed too!

February 13, 2019 10:45 p.m.

Darkshadow327 says... #7

Thanks Cloudius! Teysa Karlov is definitely a sweet card.

Thoughtpicker Witch is a cool card, can't believe I've never seen it before.

I was considering Hidden Stockpile when I was making this deck originally, but it didn't make the cut. It might find a home in here though.

February 14, 2019 7:49 a.m.

hkhssweiss says... #8

Yo Darky, not much really to add since you are already refining. I can't upvote anymore as well :P

But have you considered adding in Dark Ritual or Culling the Weak . Giving that extra boost to cast your spells helps tremendously. Since you are already abusing the creatures to come back from the grave, Culling the Weak is an exceptional play.

You can also have some back up reanimation plans as well like Reanimate , Animate Dead , Dance of the Dead , or Necromancy in case there are the times where the creature is in the yard. Hope that helps buddy!

February 17, 2019 5:39 p.m.

goldlion says... #9

I agree with hkhssweiss on the ritual effects. I've heard the idea that they aren't good in EDH because they are 1 offs, but I find them invaluable if your deck is positioned to win or get ahead with explosive turns and there are multiple ways to do that in the deck. So many games multiple people are 1-2 turns away from winning, and it's just about having that 1-2 more mana to make it happen. Culling the Weak , especially as a sac outlet for death triggers, could be brilliant in here. Dark Ritual would be a good redundancy card.

With Elenda, Twilight Drover and Hangerback, I'm surprised not to see Blade of the Bloodchief in here. Double x2!

February 17, 2019 7:31 p.m. Edited.

goldlion says... #10

This looks fun and interactive! I like.

February 17, 2019 7:34 p.m. Edited.

Darkshadow327 says... #11

The fast mana is definitely something to consider hkhssweiss, not sure where I could slot it in though. More testing is definitely required.

While Blade of the Bloodchief is good, the card is very situational. To get Elenda and/or Hangarback on the battlefield at the same time as the Blade would be hard to do. Could it happen? Yes. However, to make that happen consistently I would have to gut part of the deck to bring in a tutor package. I do agree that Blade of the Bloodchief is amazing goldlion, I just think that it would be too situational.

Glad you like the deck! If you support Teysa and her cause feel free to leave an upvote!

February 17, 2019 9:52 p.m.

goldlion says... #12

I hear what you are saying, and you know the focuses of the deck better than anyone - my only thought to add would be... is Blade of the Bloodchief situational? To me it's just great with most creatures, whether it's to bring them out of burn distance or discourage attacks (never mind wurmcoil engine's lifelink, Razaketh or ancient stone idle's trample, sheoldred's swampwalk, etc) and THEN nuts with things that want counters, which is 3 creatures in here including Twilight Drover (I find 3 to usually be the magic number). Just a value card.

On a side note, I find it difficult to read the comments and such with the background - just a bit of experiential feedback :)

February 18, 2019 1:55 a.m.

Darkshadow327 says... #13

Basically what I mean goldlion is that Blade of the Bloodchief is amazing on a select few creatures, other then that it is just an equipment. While I could equip it to those creatures like you said, I just find that it would kind of detract from the deck. I think I'll test it, but I'm honestly not sure how well it would do.

Ya, if you're on mobile it can be a little harder to read the comments. I think it looks better on a computer though.

February 18, 2019 11:38 a.m.

I am quite shocked by the lack of Nim Deathmantle . Teysa, Ashnod's Altar , and literally creature that makes a token on death creates an infinite recursion loop, perfect for a masterful painting from a Blood Artist .

You need WAY more card draw, and some tutors. Demonic Tutor , Diabolic Intent , and Sidisi, Undead Vizier are all worthy advisors.

Grim Haruspex , Midnight Reaper , Krav, the Unredeemed , Mentor of the Meek , and Necropotence are in my package. Also major disrespect for Skullclamp not in the main.

Overall, still like the list! Playtesting my own version, which is a more combo-centric aristocrats list. Any recommendations appreciated.

February 19, 2019 9:14 a.m.

Deathmonicon - Teysa Karlov Aristocrats EDH

Commander / EDH* Austin_Smith_of_Cards


February 19, 2019 9:21 a.m.

Darkshadow327 says... #16


Nim Deathmantle isn't in here because it is more of a combo card. To make it really work I would have to buy a section of the deck in order to make it really shine (like the situation mentioned above).

As for card draw and tutors, I highly disagree. I like to play this deck a little slower when I pilot it, so my hand is pretty full at all times. Using tutors is just something I don't want to do. When incorporating tutors the deck becomes more combo centric since I'm searching for something to create a combo with. Honestly, that is just something I don't want to do with the deck.

Skullclamp is in the maybe because some people may want to use it in their meta (as I explained in the Primer the Maybeboard is mainly for people to see what other options could be in the deck), for my piloting technique Skullclamp can be a little too many cards sometimes (I know, call my crazy).

Thanks though!

February 19, 2019 9 p.m.

HyperViper191 says... #17

Hi! I'm personally constructing a more budget-friendly Teysa myself and was wondering:

  1. Are there any options for a more budget-friendly protection package?
  2. Is it worth it to run tutors such as Diabolic Intent and the aforementioned Sidisi, Undead Vizier if I am already running a large card draw package?
  3. Divine Visitation ?
  4. Is Open the Armory valuable enough if I am playing clamp?

Great list!

March 3, 2019 2:58 p.m.

Darkshadow327 says... #18

In response to your questions HyperViper191:

  1. Elixir of Immortality , True Believer , and Swiftfoot Boots are fairly cheap. Lightning Greaves is also fairly easy to get your hands on since it come in pretty much every commander Precon.

  2. Tutors can never hurt if you want to go that route, card draw and finding key pieces are always relevant (I just don't run many tutors for personal reasons).

  3. If you create a lot of tokens and your deck is more token based then include Divine Visitation ! In token heavy Teysa decks it can be really powerful.

  4. Open the Armory is perfectly viable. You could also run more equipment like Blade of the Bloodchief if you wanted to go that route.

If you have any more questions feel free to ask! I'm also working on a more budget build using cards from my collection, so when I finish I'll let you know if you want to see it. I'm glad you like the deck!

March 3, 2019 7:53 p.m.

HyperViper191 says... #19

Thank you so much for the answers Darkshadow327!

Budget Deathharmonicon Tokeristocrats is my current list. I need to make some cuts and slight trims before I complete the list in paper. Any suggestions for additions and cuts would be greatly appreciated!

March 3, 2019 8:55 p.m.