May We Never Part | Teysa Karlov EDH | PRIMER

Commander / EDH Darkshadow327

SCORE: 147 | 94 COMMENTS | 21643 VIEWS | IN 62 FOLDERS

#2! (and some other stuff) —Jan. 30, 2019

Holy crap, this deck made it all the way to the #2 Teysa Karlov deck on Tappedout, that's pretty cool!

I've also made some slight adjustments to the deck after testing and seeing people's suggestions.

nickelphoenix says... #1

I’m a bit worried about a card like Demon of Dark Schemes in this list. -2/-2 is a huge blow to tokens...

I’m thinking a self-protecting web-like engine with cards like Lifeline , Adarkar Valkyrie , Emeria Shepherd , Angelic Renewal , Sun Titan , Karmic Guide , Reveillark , Dutiful Attendant

and maybe Athreos, God of Passage as a form of weaponized Recursion when they make a ruling on the question of 6 life or 3.

January 23, 2019 12:53 p.m.

nickelphoenix says... #2

Also ... I think Massacre Wurm is probably a better choice then Elesh Norn...

January 23, 2019 4:05 p.m.

Darkshadow327 says... #3

Well that's kind of the point nickelphoenix, I want things to die. For example last game I used Demon of Dark Schemes to kill some tokens while I had a Dictate of Erebos out. This made it so one of my opponents had to sacrifice a token from Dark Depths .

Emeria Shepherd is a good idea. While Massacre Wurm is good, by causing opponents to lose life, it doesn't really compare to Elesh Norn since Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite 's affect is permanent.

Thanks for your thoughts!

January 23, 2019 4:14 p.m.

casualklutz says... #4

Darkshadow327 I really like this deck and can't wait to try it out. Reading through your primer though I think I spotted a flaw in the weaknesses. You want things to die and with the recursion you have built into the deck getting things back from the graveyard is no problem. While normally exile is a weakness to this kind of deck. We have plenty of sac outlets to use to our advantage. When they use a exile effect. In response we just sac our creatures to the graveyard. There we have the ability to bring them back and can still be of use to us. The same can be used if an opponent tries to steal a creature we control.

January 23, 2019 7:29 p.m.

Darkshadow327 says... #5

casualklutz I do agree with you there. I probably should put more clarification into that section. When I meant that we were weak to mass exile I meant in the context that we wouldn't be able to sac a lot of our stuff. I'm glad you pointed it out!

I'm glad that you like the deck!

January 23, 2019 8:47 p.m.

nickelphoenix says... #6

Play of the Game and Urza's Ruinous Blast are probably the worst mass removal threats to this deck.

If we vary our peice types from toolbox to toolbox (Enchantments, Artifacts, creatures, etc etc...) it should indeed protect us from speel like Planar Cleansing and Hour of Revelation

For these reasons I do believe all these lists should run at least one really good fast effect recursion spell that is not a permanent. It might get you back on your feet after a “destroy all” spell.

The biggest threat I’m very worried about is graveyard hate. Leyline of the Void , Bojuka Bog and company will be pretty much complete game ending lockouts until an awnser is drawn or tutored.

January 24, 2019 4:14 p.m.

Darkshadow327 says... #7

I agree nickelphoenix those do really hurt in games (in my first playtest I got hit by a Bojuka Bog . Unfortunately sometimes has a hard time dealing with these. Any ideas on how to better protect myself?

January 24, 2019 6 p.m.

hkhssweiss says... #8

Only thing that protects you from that is cards that protect you like True Believer or Leyline of Sanctity . Other than that you have to rely on effects like Volrath's Stronghold , shuffle effects like pitching Kozilek, Butcher of Truth to grave, or cracking Elixir of Immortality . Last resort measure is also Pull from Eternity but that's a long stretch.

January 24, 2019 6:07 p.m.

Darkshadow327 says... #9

Ah, completely forgot about those cards hkhssweiss. Thanks!

January 24, 2019 6:17 p.m.

hkhssweiss says... #10

No problem Darky~

January 24, 2019 6:20 p.m.

nickelphoenix says... #11

Feldon's Cane follows in those footsteps

Another tactic I’ve seen is being very aggressive, offensive and proactive about it instead of reactive. This however once again relies on How well you know your play groups meta. In all honesty my main group does not see a great deal of GY hate. There is one strong Muldrotha deck and that’s about it. Graveyard love is not a common theme in the group so why should hate be there? However, if the meta sees a lot of GY hate then I really liked these very aggressive gems.

Sadistic Sacrament , Bitter Ordeal , Nightmare Incursion .

January 24, 2019 8:02 p.m.

Darkshadow327 says... #12

I agree there nickelphoenix, I've found through my testing that being aggressive is the key.

I also don't really have a playgroup since my friends don't really like EDH, so I play on Untap instead. Every game usually is different there.

Feldon's Cane is definitely a good card though.

January 24, 2019 10:37 p.m.

Hey, your deck looks really sweet and tuned. I will give you an upvote for that.

I have two cards which you could consider for this deck: Oketra's Monument : This card produces a lot of token to sac and also helps you to cast your white spells. Martyr's Bond : A slightly better version of Grave Pact or Dictate of Erebos .

January 27, 2019 2:38 p.m.

Darkshadow327 says... #14

Thanks CaptainBanana42!

I've thought about Oketra's Monument in the past. I definitely go back and forth on it.

Totally forgot about Martyr's Bond ! Which is a shame because it is such a sweet card.

January 27, 2019 3:01 p.m.

nickelphoenix says... #15

Thanks dude, I did forget about the bond.

January 27, 2019 8:22 p.m.

GEM2000 says... #16

Absolutely love this deck!!! Gonna take a while to build cause I'm poor and don't have half these cards but this deck looks freaking sweet and Orzhov is the best!

January 29, 2019 12:34 a.m.