nUKe13 Mardu Pyromancer - PRIMER

Modern nUKe13


Start the Year off Right - New Primer Format —Jan. 1, 2024

It’s the perfect time to renovate the primer and improve it for more flexibility, specifically in the sideboard.

The sideboard will now have multiple options and combinations that I’ve seen other Mardu Pyromancer (and other Mardu variants) run. The choice is up to the player to decide how they want the combination to look like.

I’m hoping to continue making updates here and there, and hopefully the format becomes less hostile to the multitude of X/1s found in Mardu decks.

Thanks, as always, for the support and comments. Please feel free to message and I will do my best to answer and update the primer!

nUKe13 says... #1

I know I haven’t posted in a long, LONG time, but maybe I can explain why I chose certain cards and what changes I’ve made

Metropolis39 - I appreciate you diligently working with me to help the deck grow and adapt. March of Reckless Joy was a consensus of other Mardu Pyro players and myself discussing draw potential. Since the deck was leaning more and more , it made sense to lean on it as a good card filter/threat finder. But, it definitely came at a cost of being particularly devastating if countered. Hopefully there comes along some decent card draw like we once enjoyed with Faithless Looting. So, yeah, March was a feeble attempt to fill the void left by Looting.

YamishiTheWickedOne - also, thanks for your enthusiasm as well as I’ve been working on the deck. Even if the techs are suboptimal by meta standards, I appreciate you trying to see from my POV. For win-cons, the deck has always tried to 1) grind through and dismantle opponents’ game plan, 2) go wide with tokens, and 3) swing with creatures and burn spells. So, the deck doesn’t really rely on one specific threat sticking (like Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger. That being said, I was wrong about excluding (at least 1) Kroxa. The utility it provides the deck, from discard, to burn, to clock, to giant-ass beat-stick is really what this deck needs.

I’ve been experimenting with returning to the roots of Young Pyromancer and Manamorphose, and I’ve been testing out Monastery Mentor-based builds. It definitely feels more glass cannon with Mentor, but when it pops off, it’s insane!

Thank y’all for your patience and dedication to the build. I greatly appreciate it.

May 31, 2023 1:23 a.m.