nUKe13 Mardu Pyromancer - PRIMER

Modern nUKe13



I’m so grateful to you all for upvoting this primer! I am so grateful to all of you! We are still representing Mardu and doing well on MTGO. Hope to keep updating you all! Thank you again!

fasmith718 says... #1

Hey man, I finally made the change to 0x Young Pyromancer and once again used your guide as my jumping-off point. Came in 2nd in my first paper event with it out of 17, so a pretty nice start :) One of my only differences so far is putting Kaya, Orzhov Usurper in the board. I liked it as

  1. additional gy hate
  2. lifegain & 1 drop removal against burn and blitz
  3. death's shadow removal
  4. additional answer to Chalice of the Void

In practice I saw that it can work alongside Leyline of the Void in the Death's Shadow matchup as a wincon as they are geared to fill the yard and lower their life total, which plays well into Kaya's ultimate. It also would have been handy when and opponent dropped a Marit Lage against me, but that was a pretty fringe case!

Anyway, thanks again!

February 18, 2020 2:40 p.m.

I really feel like Unearth is still worth using here just to pitch pyro and reanimate for 1 mana.

February 18, 2020 9:38 p.m.

nUKe13 says... #3

fasmith718 that's sweet to hear you killed it at a paper event! I've been competing on MTGO and doing decent. Kaya, Orzhov Usurper has been a popular discussion point in that discord that I shared in the description. I, personally, am not a fan of planeswalker cards, but that's the aggro in me. Kaya, Orzhov Usurper is good as a recurring grave exile threat, and as a small cmc creature threat. However, Kaya's Guile can be at instant speed, adds to grave for Bedlam Reveler and can force opponent to sacrifice an expensive creature (which has come in hand against Primeval Titan, Gurmag Angler, Bedlam Reveler, and other big creatures we find it difficult to remove at instant speed. As for the synergy with Leyline of the Void, I agree that that could close out games really well IF opponent lets Kaya, Orzhov Usurper get there. Generally, you don't judge a planeswalker based on ultimate alone, but you do bring up very strong points. If you like the synergy, and it works for you, keep it! Keep reporting back to us on how it works for you. Also, as for Chalice of the Void, I usually use Kolaghan's Command or Wear when I know opponent uses it. Usually, Mardu Pyromancer can work at the 2 or 3 cmc range really well, until artifact hate is found. Opponent usually doesn't have 6 mana super early to use Chalice of the Void to counter 3cmc spells.

YamishiTheWickedOne there are new Rakdos lists that use Lightning Skelemental, Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger, Dreadhorde Arcanist, and Seasoned Pyromancer to absolutely blaze through opponents. I think I've generally seen them forgo to also threaten with Blood Moon and Magus of the Moon. They are somewhat susceptible to early interaction and grave hate, so that's why I've kept my list this way. That being said, Unearth doesn't work here super well, since most creatures are not 3 cmc or lower pre-sideboard. I actually just did a league and I found myself not needing more card draw. I had plenty of threats and just had to "toolbox" and figure out which I needed to cast at that moment.

Thank you for your comments! Please feel included and encouraged to critique and suggest anything else to the deck, or even the primer to make it better! :)

March 10, 2020 5:30 a.m.