Magda of the Maskwood [[Guide]] Updated for MKC

Commander / EDH Alearin


AFR Updates —Sept. 8, 2021

  1. Plundering Barbarian - added in place of Dwarven Nomad since it can make up to 2 treasures on the turn it comes something Dwarven Nomad cannot do.
  2. Xorn - added in place of Storm-Kiln Artist since it doubles the amount of treasure generated per tapped dwarf and adding 1 to the number of treasures generated via Dockside Extortionist means we can go off 1 artifact or enchantment less. Storm-Kiln Artist was removed simply because I feel the deck does not run enough instant and sorceries to take advantage of its effect. Would be worth including in a more spellslinging deck.
  3. Hoarding Ogre - Added because the expected value on attack without Maskwood Nexus or Magda, Brazen Outlaw on the field is 1.6 treasures which is .6 higher than any other creature card even with both other cards on the field. Not only does it average more treasure per attack, but allows you to keep making treasure even if Magda, Brazen Outlaw is hated off the field as long as there is a safe attack.
  4. Treasure Vault - A mana sink for the turns where you have 2 or more unspent mana or where you just need a few more treasure for the final activation of Magda, Brazen Outlaw to win the game.
  5. Unexpected Windfall - replaced Pirate's Pillage as a strictly better version of this effect, since it is an instant and not a sorcery. The extra red mana does not matter since this is a mono-red deck.