Lightning Rods... but... Frogs?

Modern Supahpikmin


Electrickery Update —Dec. 30, 2016

Went with Electrickery over the other burn spells to make room for Mana Leak. I'm hoping that it offers some protection from enchants and planeswalkers without lowering damage output by too much. I may switch back or to Thermo-Alchemist

Tell me what you think!

hoiguyyami says... #1

Goblin sharpshooter could work. Similar to Gelectrode, but you're almost guaranteed to kill all the frogs.

December 11, 2016 12:47 a.m.

brewtzar says... #2

Goblin Sharpshooter might be good here. If all of your opponent's creatures are 1/1s, you can just machine gun them all with him.

December 11, 2016 12:49 a.m.

IANBAWS says... #3

Goblin Sharpshooter isn't modern legal

December 11, 2016 12:56 a.m.

catrule3564 says... #4

I love the deck! I used to play Scouring Sands and Polymorphist's Jest in a Standard UR control deck that was really fun.

Goblin Sharpshooter would be sweet, but it isn't modern legal.

I feel like Blistercoil Weird and Ashmouth Hound are pretty agressive cards for what you are trying do do. I understand you reasons for inclusion, but they would probably be better as cards like Volcanic Fallout or Izzet Charm.

December 11, 2016 12:57 a.m.

Xinofos says... #5

Circle of Flame could work, as turning creatures to frogs is done at instant speed. :)

December 12, 2016 6:37 p.m.

JohnnyBoyG says... #6

First, this is one of the most creative decks I've seen in a while.

The best way to improve it would be to add more dual lands. Steam Vents, Scalding Tarn, and Spirebluff Canal would be the best, but if you're sticking to a budget, that's fine.

I'd also consider adding in more instant speed damage spells so you can deal with Inkmoth Nexus. Chandra's Pyrohelix would be ideal.

I'd consider removing Curse of the Swine, and Spellheart Chimera. Curse of the Swine seems doesn't seem very good, because most of your things deal one damage, not two. Also you have to cast it for at least 4 mana for it to be better than another removal spell. Spellheart Chimera might seem like a good way to put pressure on your opponent, but it's just too easy for them to kill. Thing in the Ice  Flip might be a better option.

Finally, Serum Visions is probably better than Take Inventory

I'd make the following changes: -2 Arc Trail

-2 Curse of the Swine

-4 Take Inventory

-2 Blistercoil Weird

-2 Spellheart Chimera

-5 Island

-4 Mountain

-3 Swiftwater Cliffs

+4 Chandra's Pyrohelix

+4 Thing in the Ice  Flip

+4 Serum Visions

+4 Scalding Tarn

+4 Steam Vents

+4 Spirebluff Canal

December 12, 2016 9:24 p.m.

Supahpikmin says... #7

JohnnyBoyG, Thanks so much for the input. Although I'm not working on a specific budget, I'm not exactly up for a "$30-$80 for a cool land" budget. I could use Evolving Wilds as the poor man's Tarn, but that's just lands. Serum Visions over Take Inventory is actually far better than I expected because now I don't even have to push through lands in the first place like I did with Take Inventory, not to mention it's a good T1 spell. Chandra's Pyrohelix is also good spell, but I think I'll still keep Arc Trail sideboarded for fighting slower decks. As for Thing in the Ice  Flip, I do have some concerns about how well it fits in the deck. Having Gelectrode and Weaver of Lightning on the field is really important for this somewhat campy deck, and I don't know if Awoken Horror  Flip Makes up for all the turns that I have to spend afterwards to re-setup shop. I already own a Thing, though, so I'll keep it in there and test it against other people's decks.

Thanks again for the feedback, my dude <3

December 13, 2016 7:54 p.m.

HalfaCatfish says... #8

Supahpikmin, I think you should replace Turn to Frog with Ovinize, unless your playing against a tribal deck. You should also add Circle of Flame

December 18, 2016 1:34 p.m.

Supahpikmin says... #9

HalfaCatfish, as much as I love how Ovinize is a straight upgrade, it doesn't turn creatures into frogs, and that makes me sad.

However, I do like Circle of Flame. What would you recommend I replace with it?

December 18, 2016 4:48 p.m.

IANBAWS says... #10

Electrickery might clear up some spots for more powerful spells. just run 4 of those instead of Scouring Sands and Forked Bolt for the instant speed. you could then run things like Thermo-Alchemist instead of Gelectrode (although I understand alchemist only hits opponents, Lightning Bolt, Chandra's Fury and things of the such that are a little harder hitting. well that's my input take it at will, the deck still seems pretty fun and put together well enough.

December 24, 2016 6:54 p.m.

Feltrix says... #11

One thing I notice is that if the opponent runs Gideon, Ally of Zendikar or Always Watching , you just...die.

December 29, 2016 4:52 p.m.