Kaheera Cats and Chariots :3

Modern NonetheWeisser


More active testing —Oct. 26, 2021

I have decided to take some feedback I have been given and begin testing again.

We have dropped the Qasali Ambushers', 1 Feline Sovereign, and 1 Sacred Cat.

We have added in 1 Forest and 1 Plains, bringing us up to 22 lands.

Ambushers' have been removed as they can sometimes too situational.

I have replaced a Feline Sovereign with Regal Caracal as a finisher and higher end lord effect. So far testing has been good with this as a one of, especially now that we increased our land base.

I took out one sacred cat and added in a Realmwalker. This has also been testing well and basically gives us a larger hand size by being able to cast creatures off the top of our deck.

Will continue to update. :)

Coco910 says... #1

Just thought myself out of suggesting leonin warleader over the chariot for lifelink buuuuut if you add adourned pouncer back and eternilize it you can get massive presence with the chariot. Dig the deck!

August 4, 2021 11:52 a.m.

NonetheWeisser says... #2

Coco910 I'm thinking about adding 2 adorned pouncers back in to increase the decks aggression and variety. Thank you so much for the feedback! :)

August 4, 2021 12:31 p.m.

GodofStorms says... #3

Have you considered trying Regal Caracal? it brings at least 7 power to the battlefield and gives all your other cats lifelink, which can be huge in aggro matchups

August 6, 2021 12:34 p.m.

NonetheWeisser says... #4

GodofStorms I had 2-3 copies of Regal Caracal in at the beginning of testing. Although it's an extremely powerful card and I love it, 5 seemed to be too high of a CMC.

August 6, 2021 12:42 p.m.

GodofStorms says... #5

That makes sense I was just wondering if you had tried it out yet

August 6, 2021 1 p.m.

NonetheWeisser says... #6

GodofStorms I would love to at least one copy, but I worry it would slow the deck as I would need to add more lands. Thanks for the feedback! :)

August 9, 2021 10:39 a.m.

rb701 says... #7

due to this being very tribal, have you considered Door of Destinies? giving all your cats a huge stat buff is good; while it's a targeted version of Coat of Arms, the effect is dependent on spells cast, not creatures present. i also have a cat deck and i have 2 DoD as well as Gruul War Plow. those two together demand an answer, otherwise even the lowliest creature is a monumental threat

August 23, 2021 10:31 a.m.

NonetheWeisser says... #8

rb701 Those are great recommendation. I think I will have to test them for sure. I didn't even know Door of Destinies was a card. Ty so much!

August 23, 2021 10:52 a.m.

Nice deck (+1) have you considered Bronzehide Lion as maybe a one of. It's got decent stats for early game and can get really obnoxious late game. Realmwalker feels like it could be a good fit here too for a bit of top deck manipulation. Hope this helps.

September 10, 2021 2:16 p.m.


Thank you so much!

I actually had Bronzehide as a 4 of during early testing. Unfortunately, it just ended up being a vanilla beat stick. I could add in 1-2 more and see how it goes. The reason the were pushed out was because I felt that Qasali Pridemage offered better utility as a 2 drop.

I have never even thought of Realm Walker but that would give me access to more threats. Maybe I could use it as a 1 of. Thanks for the feedback. :)

September 10, 2021 3:26 p.m.

Metropolis39 says... #11

Play. Coco or vial. Maybe both

September 26, 2021 12:49 a.m.


I run Esika's Chariot over Coco and I actually tested vial early on and found it redundant. The cats really don't need it. Thanks for the feedback though!

September 26, 2021 11:14 p.m.

Grugthol says... #13

Hey i want to give you my two cents. At first, every cat friend is a friend of mine. I played cat tribal since mh1 when king of the pride came out (as the only cat lord besides caracal) and played it on many fnms and even a 600 people tournament where i came out with a 3-3. My deck is slightly different, i highly prefer coco, since the 3 Lords are all at 3 mana. Together with coco, brimaz is a real bomb, when he attacks at turn 4 with a coco as a combat trick,you can easily attack for 8. Coco also fits in pretty well because of its new Ajani artwork :) i sadly didnt make any good experiences with ambusher and sacred cat. But i didn't play modern the last year and i see that it would be a counter to Ragavan, maybe i give it another try. I would cut madcap, Rancor is straight up better.

I also play 4 Path to Exile, 2 Regal Caracal and Force of Virtue. If i couldnt use path or draw the caracal to early, i can discard them for force. Mana Tithe is also possible in this constellation. But this is my personal preference, rancor and bolts should work here.

20 lands are not enough in my opinion. Your mana curve ends with 4 drops, i would say 22-23 lands will give you a much better curve.

Quasali Ambusher could find a place in the sideboard. There will be matchups where you dont even get attacked.

All of the above is just from my personal experience. I dont want to push you in a direction you dont like. Keep having fun playing cats!

October 18, 2021 2:36 p.m.


Thank you so much for the in depth feedback!

October 19, 2021 8:41 a.m.