Ixalan Park

Commander / EDH CardTyrant

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Game Night 2 —May 8, 2024

So for my second month, I played Gishath twice again. Same as last month, first game was a pod of 3. I went up against a white Winnie deck and a five color good stuff(?). Gishath and the trample army sweep the game. I took out the the five color player then the Winnie player.

The second game with Gishath was four player and it was against a black/blue Scarb God, Jund dragons, and Bargo. I took out the zombie deck first, then the Bargo player. Dragons and me went to a close game, but I was able to pull a fast one thanks to Boros Charm.

So far this year (at Dragonslayer) Gishath is 3-1. Not bad.

Edit: I remembered to get my promo for showing up and I got the promo for Path of Ancestry. I did hint to the owner that I wouldn't mind a dino promo in the future. ;)