Ixalan Park

Commander / EDH CardTyrant

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Lost Caverns of Ixalan Prerelease & Upcoming News —Nov. 11, 2023

So first off, sorry for the VERY late update on the deck. Been busy with work and my daughter.

So the first bit of news. I was able to go to the Prerelease for Lost Caverns of Ixalan! I had a blast! Dragonslayer Games had decorated the store in vines and had fake dinosaur bones everywhere. They were also playing all the "Jurassic" movies in the background. It was really cool. The first night, the crew were dressed up. The owner was dressed up as John Hammond and even had the cane, one had a raptor costume where he was riding it, and the other looked like Ellie Sattler in my opinion but I don't think that was what he was going for. I dressed up for the first event in my dinosaur onesie.

The first night was a massive bust though. I was 28th out of 29. I had two decks; a black/blue self mill and a green/red dinosaur. Neither deck performed well and I only had one victory and that was because the opponent couldn't draw anything but lands. I used the self mill for the first match, second match I used dinosaurs, and third I used both. The dinosaur deck was my favorite out of the two, but it just didn't have enough support to really be a threat.

The second day was 2HG and my wife and I went. We were 2nd out of 6. I forced green/red dinosaurs and my wife went green/black self mill. The first match was good, we dominated it by being very aggressive. The second match my wife did the heavy lifting as I just wasn't drawing. The third match was a blowout. Neither of us could draw anything, and when we would get a threat on board, they would kill it.

Now for the fun bit that I won't forget. When the owner called out the winners of the 2HG he gave them four packs and two promos. When is was my team's turn, he gave us two packs and two cards... however unlike the first team where he just gave them cards, he actually looked for my teams cards. When he gave them to me the first card was a black/white vampire which are my wife's colors, but the second card... the second card was Gishath. I couldn't help but tell the owner I loved him for that. I want to point out that my wife and I have been coming to Dragonslayer Games now for a good five years now, but never on a regular basis; due to work and life, we just don't have time to make regular appearances, yet the owner remembered our colors and play styles. He sees hundreds of people, some on a daily, and yet he can find time to remember us. It really touched me. So now I have two Gishath's as my commander. The one that Commander Adventures got me in Germany and now this one that I won at the prerelease.

So now that is all out of the way. I plan on MAJORLY overhauling the deck. I plan on adding 16 new cards and changing some of the art styles.

  • Jurassic World Command Tower
  • Jurassic World Forest
  • Jurassic World Mountain
  • Jurassic World Plains
  • Jurassic World Hunting Velociraptor
  • Jurassic World Savage Order
  • Jurassic World Welcome to… // Jurassic Park
  • Lost Caverns of Ixalan Belligerent Yearling
  • Lost Caverns of Ixalan Earthshaker Dreadmaw
  • Lost Caverns of Ixalan Intrepid Paleontologist (Full Art)
  • Lost Caverns of Ixalan Palani’s Hatcher (Alt Art)
  • Lost Caverns of Ixalan Poetic Ingenuity (Full Art)
  • Lost Caverns of Ixalan Sunfrill Imitator (Full Art)
  • Lost Caverns of Ixalan Thundering Spineback
  • Lost Caverns of Ixalan Wrathful Raptors (Full Art)
  • Lost Caverns of Ixalan Carnage Tyrant (Special Guest)
  • Lost Caverns of Ixalan Colossadactyl
  • Lost Caverns of Ixalan Ghalta, Primal Hunger (Special Guest)
  • Lost Caverns of Ixalan Ghalta, Stampede Tyrant (Alt. Art)
  • Lost Caverns of Ixalan Hulking Raptor (Full Art)
  • Commander Masters Regal Behemoth (Full Art)
  • Lost Caverns of Ixalan Seismic Monstrosaur
  • Lost Caverns of Ixalan Trumpeting Carnosaur (Alt. Art)