Ixalan Park

Commander / EDH CardTyrant

SCORE: 458 | 190 COMMENTS | 58636 VIEWS | IN 223 FOLDERS

Update 5 —Oct. 28, 2017

So while on vacation, my wife and I went to a LGS in the city next to my hometown (GameUphoria). They had singles on sell for 20% off. I jumped on it and got a few needed cards. I'm not 56% complete. Still hoping PucaTrade will come through and get me closer to the finish line. $3.33 booster packs at Wal-Mart is also helping out.

bushido_man96 says... #1

Looks nice. Another draw option is Kavu Lair.

October 21, 2017 6:46 a.m.

CardTyrant says... #2

bushido_man96: I really like the Kavu Lair. I'm shocked I've never seen it before.

October 21, 2017 7:28 a.m.

bushido_man96 says... #3

Glad you like it. Is pretty affordable, but it works for everyone at the table.

October 21, 2017 7:39 a.m.

Lordjorenby says... #4

What do you think of Marath to trigger enrage? I'm not necessarily suggesting it, but not having Gishath yet means I'm working around things.

October 21, 2017 10:50 a.m.

CardTyrant says... #5

Lordjorenby: I do like Marath as an enrage trigger. Pay one and sac a counter to ping an enrager. That's not bad.

Samut is not a bad alt. either for she gives everything haste and can give a suto-vigilance to a creature.

Mayael is not a bad fill in for Gishath. They both have closely related skills.

Now, I am a strong believer that enrage is a great commander ability... but there is just not enough out there to make it a themed deck just yet. Maybe once Rivals comes out and they continue the enrage ability, I'll be more for it. However, right now, I feel it is more of a sub-theme. In my deck I really don't have that many enrage trigger spells simply because there are not enough enrage creatures yet.

October 21, 2017 1:31 p.m.

your going to probably thank me for this

Shaman en-Kor

probably they easiest way to get the largest amount of enrage triggers, it redirects damage to creatures in 1's and its free to trigger so redirect 3 damage to Sun-Crowned Hunters thats 9 damage to a player.

and heres the best part for 1W you can force the damage from a source too the shaman even opponents creatures from something else

and heres something adorable for dinosaur tribal Rite of Passage give everybody the Snapping Sailback enrage

oh and look at this combo

Dual Nature + Burning Sun's Avatar + Changeling Berserker or Changeling Hero or Changeling Titan = INFINITE DAMAGE

heres the instructions on how to do this

  1. after you have Dual Nature on the field once you get a Gishath trigger Congregation at Dawn the champion and Burning avatar (you only need two damage lol)
  2. stack the abilities like this make the changeling dual nature trigger last one to go off, then the real changeling champion trigger, then duel nature the dinosaur, finally the real dinosaur trigger first.
  3. the dinosaur and the clone deals 6 damage to a player (18 if you throw in Warstorm Surge)
  4. then the champion trigger activates do it to the dinosaur this will also cause the token to disapear
  5. now heres the key the last trigger happens the clone of the changeling enters the field have it exile the real one
  6. now heres what happens Dual Nature saids when the real one leaves the field so does the token so since it champion the real one it disapears
  7. stack the abilties like this nature leave last champion leaves play first
  8. the dinosaur comes back and the token they deal damage again
  9. and then the changeling token leaves then the real champion comback champion the real dinosaur again and then the token champions the real changeling
  10. rise and repeat

what do you think?

October 21, 2017 2:27 p.m.

CardTyrant says... #7

That's a lot for infinite damage. I do like the thought, but I'm a big dumb dino. I just want to smash face.

October 23, 2017 7:15 p.m.