Is Goat Mom the Best Mom?

Commander / EDH Rediblackdragon


Update the Second —Sept. 22, 2016

Hey, wow! Thanks for everyone who liked this. Now let's get down to business:

After playing some multiplayer games with this I realized that the deck doesn't do anything. It really just sits there and messes with people. The main problem that I've found is that I don't have enough bombs (other than Bronze Bombshell); I just have a stack of cards that don't make me win. Literally the only way to win that I've found is Illusions of Grandeur+Copy Enchantment or MAYBE a big scary Psychosis Crawler. I think that the main reason for this is that the deck is poorly paced/slow and doesn't keep up with the table that well.

That being said, I've decided to try and morph the deck into a token frenzy. Having a more little things to give to people should allow Zedruu to go off to the point of unstoppability. That being said, Windborn Muse, Wall of Denial, Taniwha, Humble Defector, Djinn of Infinite Deceits, Archmage Ascension, Aura of Silence(?), and Prison Term are on their way out in addition to last update's drop list. I'll have to look into replacements for those some time.

Also, I'm still trying to work out the whole CSS sheet thing. Be patient. This place is going look like the Ruins sooner or later.