Iroas, Menace to society

Commander / EDH griffstick

SCORE: 146 | 174 COMMENTS | 26790 VIEWS | IN 80 FOLDERS

11 changes. —July 21, 2021

The deck needs to go through a deck description overhaul. The premise of the deck remains. Aggro stragity with devotion at its heart. With combat based damage control.

jackcity says... #1

Also how do you feel about adding embercleave? or winota?

September 9, 2020 4:28 p.m.

jackcity says... #2

maybe torbran?

September 9, 2020 4:48 p.m.

griffstick says... #3

It's getting hard to make any changes. To be honest. The only changes I'll be doing in the future will be for speed. I'm gonna focus on lowering the cmc of all the cards. At the same time try to increase devotion.

September 9, 2020 11:58 p.m.

Ive played versions of Iroas that were faster and lower to the ground, kind of like building red deck wins, it wasnt nearly as effective in edh. I think you are right to have your curve a little on the higher side to actually get that lethal damage. What do you think of the new Mazemind Tome ? I found a slot for it in my Iroas deck, I cut Tome of Legends for it, but havent had many chances to play yet to see if it's too slow.

September 10, 2020 7:30 a.m.

lil_cheez says... #5

Just an insight here. I don't run Tome of Legends on my Iroas deck because there are games where Iroas don't attack much (I don't know if you guys have the same issue). Some games Iroas gets only to attack late game when I have enought devotion and damage doublers so it goes lethal in one opponent, so Tome of Legends felt a little underwhelming
Also Iroas is very resilient to removal, what means it will not be ETBing very often
I think the call for drawing cards in Iroas is to abuse his menace ability, so mostly equipments, but red's impulsive drawing and rummaging also help a lot (Outpost Siege is the closest red can get to Phyrexian Arena)

September 10, 2020 9:14 a.m.

lil_cheez the last comment I wrote mentions that I removed Tome of Legends. Outpost Siege is pretty slow, I would rather run Stolen Strategy and exile ops cards. I run Grenzo, Havoc Raiser Robber of the Rich Chandra, Torch of Defiance but I would rather put cards in my hand so I run more on wheels than temporary card advantage. I also run The Immortal Sun although its admittedly a removal magnet. The thing I like about Mazemind Tome that its actual card draw, albeit expensive draw, but I am experimenting with it to see if its too slow or if its viable.

September 10, 2020 10:45 a.m.

lil_cheez says... #7

DadHumanPraetor I'm sorry if I didn't make myself clear. But I was talking about why Tome of Legends is NOT a card to run in Iroas

September 10, 2020 11:05 a.m.

griffstick says... #8

Its 10 mana for 4 cards. I'm not gonna try it. Tome of Legends would likely be better anyway even if Iroas isn't a creature. But if I attack 1 time with Iroas its 4 mana 2 cards. Assuming I've gotten it out before I've cast Iroas. I'm not big on either one. Maybe Ignite the Future. I like the Outpost Siege. I might try that in place of Reforge the Soul

September 10, 2020 11:16 a.m.

jackcity says... #9

I like your deck. I want it to be faster too,but i dont think its viable in cEDH without sacrificing for lower cmc creatures. I like how your higher toward the curve. In multiman you have time to set up higher cmc things. Ive play tested your deck about 10 times. The only problem i have is (shuffler rng not getting me lands), or not getting devotion quick enough.

I see your aiming for more draw which i agree with. I like ignite the future because it gives you versatility. ill add it and playtest your deck again.

I also got rid of chandra, flame caller as she is pricey and will get hate immediately. Instead, i have added smothering tithe for more mana. That way i can pay for alot for huge X spells, creatures, and slow the enemy down.

Again, card draw is hard to come buy in Boros, but we will find a way :)

September 10, 2020 5:19 p.m.

jackcity says... #10

also "price of glory" i want to add to help the deck against instant players

September 10, 2020 5:22 p.m.

Outpost Siege is 4 mana and does nothing the turn its played, and it exiles lands 40% of the time. Ive tried the card and its just not good... Stolen Strategy is so much better. You get 3 cards so the odds are you actually get playable cards and not just exiling land drops that you need to make. 4 cards for 10 mana is a bad rate, 4 scrys for 2 mana is a good rate, modality matters in edh, and putting cards into hand is way more powerful than showing the table what you can cast for 1 turn. I am not a fan of impulsive card advantage unless its someone elses cards.

September 10, 2020 7:41 p.m.