Inferno Blitz Brigade

Modern jon_hill987


Valakut —Sept. 10, 2017

I'm not really happy with Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle in this deck, if I draw enough lands to meet the requirements I'm probably already dead. I am thinking of using one of three cards from the maybeboard to replace Valakut and going down to 18 lands, they all alow me to get rid of unwanted land draws when I no longer need them. Flame Jab can repeatedly trigger Prowess, Molten Vortex turns Lands into Shocks but sadly doesn't trigger Kiln Fiend at all. Finally we have Magmatic Insight which is card draw so always good and the one I am leaning towards.

jon_hill987 says... #1

Thanks Draknar50, I have a playset of those on the way now. Think I am only going to put in two, at least at first, as I don't want to cut too many spells. I Tweaked my sideboard to contain more "answers" as well.

Now I just need to decide if Valakut or Ramunap is the best option when it comes to lands...

August 4, 2017 5:46 a.m.

you could always cut a single kiln fiend or abbot for another monastery swiftspear.

Either way, I think Skullcrack would be a great addition to this deck, at least as a 2 of. Prevents lifegain until EoT, prevents damage prevention, which your deck would probably hate. maybe even Flames of the Blood Hand would be a good option, although it is costly.

This deck is really interesting, possibly more fun to play against than burn. +1

keep building great decks like this!

August 4, 2017 9:18 a.m.

jon_hill987 says... #3

Thanks for the comment and upvote WiltLeafElves, Skullcrack looks interesting, at least as a sideboard card against Lifegain/Fog decks, Flames of the Blood Hand has too high CMC to justify adding though I think, the deck needs to be able to cast several spells a turn to work.

August 4, 2017 9:34 a.m.