Sludgebrained says... #1

I'd drop the Rotting Rats and the Drainpipe Vermin. maybe some kind of board sweeps instead of small pox as you don't have too many cards that really pull you ahead in the long run of it. definitely drop master of the feast, it's not worth it in this deck imo

March 1, 2016 10:35 a.m.

I agree with you on Drainpipe, the additional mana for effect was not performing. I took out the smallpox and put back in a few IOK's. As far as Rotting Rats, it works well with Pack Rat, especially if I've gotten into 5 mana as you can discard and play from the grave in the same turn. I really like playing Master he's a dick. This deck is more on the casual side mainly designed to aggravate opponents. One of these days I'll pull it out for an FNM and see how it hangs, but I wouldn't expect much as my meta is mostly tier 1. Thanks for looking.

March 4, 2016 2:30 a.m.

Sludgebrained says... #3

this is my rat deck it runs pretty nice and has the same concept. goes from aggro rats (lol) to pack/rack I love the use of smallpox as an extra discard. I originally had rotting rats in there but it empties your hand too fast on unlucky draws

March 4, 2016 8:56 a.m.

Nordlys says... #4

Hi there! How is it going? I know this deck was uploaded many years ago, but since it says it was updated two weeks ago from now, I'll drop a comment.

Even though it is a budget deck, you can still put one or two Liliana, Waker of the Dead since it is an economic card that does what you need.

Notes: - 21 lands seems too few for a deck that discards lands to Raven's Crime and also sacrifices lands to Smallpox - 3 copies of Murderous Cut seems too much since you won't be able to quickly drop 15 cards to your graveyard for it's delve. I really like the card, but the safest choice would be to play a singleton (only 1 copy) since you don't to see more than 1 in your hand. So maybe replace 2 copies of it for Fatal Push or Bloodchief's Thirst - Taking out all 8 racks for the whole rat pack would turn your discard cards kinda useless since you won't be getting any advantage out of your empty handed opponent (except for that single Nezumi Shortfang  Flip ). So maybe what you should for the second match is to take out the Smallpox and the Wrench Mind and also the Raven's Crime since you will prefer to discard those extra lands to Pack Rat instead of discarding them to Raven's.

June 22, 2022 5:41 p.m.

Hey there! Thx for taking a look, sorry I must have missed a notification. Thx for the card suggestions. Been moving a bunch of stuff around on some of these old decks, been out of it for quite a while so it’s awesome to see what’s come out. I’ve tried the all rat sideboard and it’s just too slow for any kind of competitive strategy but for a kitchen table brew it’s fun. But nobody likes playing at the kitchen table against discard so… I think you are right, I’ve been looking at it all wrong with pulling the racks.

July 7, 2022 1:23 a.m.

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