Hydratic Rampage

Modern Strattuscloud


June 21, 2020

I did run the 2 Gargos, Vicious Watcher and it was a really strong addition. I am considering 1 or 2 more.

I swapped out 1 Prey Upon for a Tower Defense to hold up against a MAJOR flying weakeness.

lagotripha says... #1

As far as first decks go, this is really solid. Defenders and hydras have a lot of synergy and mono colour keeps the mana simple.

There are a few options to play with- remembering that power gaming with a casual playgroup is usually a mistake. Aim to be fun for everyone.

Turn 1 plays are really important in modern: Portcullis Vine Cathedral Membrane or Jaddi Offshoot are all cute here.

There are a few infinite combos with mana+untap in defender, but it's usually not too fun.

In general terms, when you onlu have one deck try for card variety with a consistent core -12 to 16 4 ofs that do one thing and make the deck reliable (defender ramp) and some varied payoffs to keep it interesting. I like Mistcutter Hydra for haste, Squall Line to tie games and Uncage the Menagerie to fetch those low cmc hydras or backup ramp.

June 20, 2020 4:57 a.m.