Wrath of the Titans

Commander / EDH* dragonhunter


Trial Cards —April 14, 2015

Removed Living Death from MB to SB... it's cool but have never been able to justify using it where it works in my favour enough.

Removed Deadbridge Chant from MB to SB... between all the mill and draw esp. in multiplayer where my library diminishes at a fairly rapid rate I find this card a one time use only card since I have to mill 10 each time I bring it back.

Removed Slithermuse from MB to SB... Have never wanted to tutor for it and haven't gotten around to using it yet since it relies on my opponents having more cards then me which can be a bit hit or miss.

Added Harsh Mercy to my Sideboard... would be very useful depending on which decks I am playing against; will sideboard it in as suits before the game starts.

Trialling in place of the three cards above which I've moved to my SB are... Flamekin Harbinger - A tutor I can easily reanimate, Sun Titan - another means to bring cards back from the GY including 4 of my non-elementals which is a bonus and Doomgape - a sac outlet that gives me life served with a side of 'stomp on your face' to my opponents.

Not sure if I really want... or need another sac outlet.. and I quite like the ones I already have... Will be interesting to see how it plays anyway.

WicKid52 says... #1

Incandescent Soulstoke is pretty sa-weet.

March 17, 2015 11:35 p.m.

Fortworthy says... #3

Where is Doomgape?!?!?! D:

March 20, 2015 6:28 a.m.

dragonhunter says... #9

It is indeed WicKid52 :)

It was in my initial deck list but I found other cards better suited my deck when I tested it so I cut it due to lack of real estate at the time.

I've def been thinking of adding it again, just need to figure out what I want to swap it with.

March 24, 2015 6:14 a.m.