Her Royal Fluffness

Commander / EDH seshiro_of_the_orochi

SCORE: 157 | 117 COMMENTS | 10804 VIEWS | IN 63 FOLDERS

Obscene luck... —Feb. 20, 2020

So I bought a booster pack of Theros: Beyond Death and went through it to pull a Nyxbloom Ancient. It definitely had to get added. I dropped Thragtusk for it. Increasing my average cmc is bad, but the amount of mana this thing gives me should be worth it.

RxPhantom says... #1

Sorry for the delay! My list is doing pretty well, actually. As long as my opening hand has at some ramp, it's pretty solid and resilient. I've managed to mitigate a lot of its weaknesses, like flyers and board wipes. I'm still looking for underperforms to cut, just because so many good fatties are coming out.

Anyway, I like the update. I'm thinking of cutting Panglacial Wurm too. I can sometimes get some tricksy plays with it, but a lot of the time it's just a generic fatties. I played a couple games at my LGS, and long story short, the only reason I lost one is because another player did a spiteful insta-scoop. I'm still really satisfied with the deck, and expect that Goreclaw will be in my rotation for a long, long time.

I'd be eager to hear more next time you're out in the wild!

February 10, 2020 12:11 p.m.

RxPhantom: Great to hear you have that much fun with the deck. It is surprisingly fun to just slam down some big stats and swing in. I realized that the turns the deck can do in the mid- to lategame tend to be quite long, and I actually found myself a little overwhelmed by all the possible plays. This will pretty much stay my favourite deck for a long time.

I really had a hard time cutting "Pangi". He's such a unique card and the ability takes many opponents by surprise. A card that really performed well in the described game was Feasting Troll King. After the mentioned wipe, his leftover food tokens actually made me reanimate him. It's a powerful ability that many players forget when they attack into a somewhat empty board. Very cool card.

Same goes for me, I'd love to hear some stories. I'll hopefully be able to get to my LGS the other week, but I'll have to decide that somewhat spontaneously. I'll let you know.

February 10, 2020 2:50 p.m.