Guided by Faith

Commander / EDH Tinnuki


dritchie says... #1

I love it +1 from me. Would Anointed Procession mean you could keep an angel after combat or just add another to attack?

I run A voltron kemba deck that may be helpful I know it’s mainly Artifact driven but still lots of helpful things in it that you could use kembah and the thunder cats

March 30, 2021 11:42 a.m.

BrassLord says... #2

For sure can be a headache to deal with! Any sword of X and Y would be good. If ever there was a deck to run Armageddon , I think this would be it. Your commander's low curve and the ability to spam out tokens means that once you resolve it, you're going to be able to rebuild faster than most other decks. Also, Luminarch Ascension can quickly turn into a win condition after you play one of your multiple board wipes.

I would recommend Maze of Ith and like Glacial Chasm , but at 33 lands, I think you need all the mana you can get!

March 30, 2021 12:53 p.m.

ElPanchoGato says... #3

Cool Deck, I had a voltorn deck with Dragonlord Ojutai and I've been thinking of trading him out for Saint Traft. Does the gameplay for this deck feel too linear or oppressive at all? Thanks!

June 5, 2021 11:50 p.m.

Tinnuki says... #4

ElPanchoGato: That's cool, my friend has a beastly Ojutai deck and it can be nasty to play against.

While this deck does have a linear, "predictable" playstyle, it is very consistent in its ability to get going at full speed. I was pleasantly surprised at how well it performed with its first draft, when I just slapped a bunch of equipment and enchantments together.

I do understand how some people can find this boring to play and to play against. One alternate route that I'm working on taking this deck is turning it into a general control deck, while keeping Voltron Traft as wincon #1. Azorius colors excel at general control, and Traft would do fine at the head of a deck like that.

June 6, 2021 10:04 a.m.

Bolbae says... #5

Hi Tinnuki! First of all, thanks for your appreciation on my deck page.

I took some time to take a look at your deck and it seems like a cool and fun take on a Voltron strategy and I'm glad you're having fun with it. I especially like your inclusion of Octopus Umbra - it feels a little bit janky, but absolutely fits the deck.


I also wanted to address a small mistake in your description:

"Anointed Procession (Coming Soon) can clone and keep our Traft-based angels, as the copies are not bound by the end-of-combat exile"

I'm very sure that is not the case. Anointed Procession is a replacement effect, which essentially changes Saint Trafts text to be "..., create two 4/4 white Angel creature tokens that are tapped and attacking. Exile those tokens at end of combat". In this case, both tokens are affected by the exact same rules - both tapped, both attacking, both exiled at end of combat. Compare to the Populate mechanic, which simply creates a copy of a token (and is not a replacement effect, linking the creation of the second token to that of the first one). In that case, the second token would not disappear - it would also not be tapped and attacking though.

Hope this helps you strategize, have fun!

August 26, 2021 7:07 a.m.

Tinnuki says... #6

Bolbae Thanks for the clarification. To be honest, I wasn't super sure about that interaction, but the way you explain it, it makes sense. It's a good thing I never bothered to make space in the deck for it.

Do you have an alternate suggestion in regards to Octopus Umbra?

August 26, 2021 3:37 p.m.

Bolbae says... #7

Colossus Hammer by itself is too slow, but since you're already playing Hammer of Nazahn, Sigarda's Aid and Open the Armory it might be worth considering.

Because of all the enchantments, Sovereigns of Lost Alara are another possible choice.

Apart from that, I wasn't saying Octopus Umbra should be swapped, that's completely up to you of course.

Should you decide on further empathizing on the "Winged Guardians" backup plan, while Anointed Procession doesn't let you keep Saint Trafts' Angels, it still massively boosts their damage output. In addition, those created by Moonsilver Spear do stay. Together with Sundial of the Infinite you can also react to the triggered ability at the end of combat and keep all tokens that would be exiled.

I'm not much of a Voltron player though and I don't know if you really need that backup plan, so that's just an idea.

Have fun!

August 27, 2021 3:38 a.m.

amarthaler says... #8

Great build! I gathered a lot of good ideas from the cards you have listed for my Geist deck. I don't really have too many suggestions since you've built it quite well. Maybe play around with Robe of Stars to help protect Geist, Cryptic Command is always nice interaction, and Stoneforge Mystic or Puresteel Paladin for cheating equipment. I also like Shadowspear a lot.

I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on my deck as well!

August 27, 2022 12:06 a.m.

Tinnuki says... #9

amarthaler: Thanks for the kind words! Robe of Stars is cool, I just never found a place for it. Cryptic, Mystic, and Paladin are all great cards, they've just never made their way into the deck, the latter two probably because this started as an Aura deck. Shadowspear is already in the deck, but yes it's a great card!

August 27, 2022 9:34 a.m. Edited.

amarthaler says... #10

You're right - sorry I missed that.

How well does Timely Ward play? That card seems like it would be a finisher in most games!

I appreciate the upvotes!

August 27, 2022 9:28 p.m.

Tinnuki says... #11

amarthaler: Timely Ward is definitely a "win-more" sort of card. As you can imagine, it's best cast in response to any sort of non-target destruction spell. I can't recall having to rely on it too often, but it is nice to have to back up your final push. I highly recommend it.

August 28, 2022 9:36 a.m.

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