Garden of Damia

Commander / EDH Asgeren


Making the deck evil. —April 30, 2024

Will test out Mana Breach, Storm Cauldron, Awaken the Erstwhile, Cabal Conditioning in the deck - these cards are VERY efficient with Damia landfall - but are evil and might make me too big a target, but we'll see :) Will also try out Ruin Crab (if I can find a cheap one) as it will combo with both infinite landfall triggers but also combo with dumping all lands in the deck which would be enough to mill everyone out :D

SufferFromEDHD says... #1

Null Brooch for sure one of my favorite EDH cards. Auto include with this commander. Manabond out of budget?

Elfhame Sanctuary neat tech alongside Damia.

Infernal Sovereign potential.

Deathrite Shaman always good.

Forbid and/or Demonic Collusion Buyback doesn't get the respect it deserves in this format plus Damia loves it.

April 2, 2024 10:13 p.m.

Asgeren says... #2

SufferFromEDHD thanks for your suggestions m8!

Infernal Sovereign is indeed great as a back-up commander so far. Wanted Zimone and Dina for the same reasson, but the sac fodder is more difficult to get ahold of than I thought.

Oh yes, Demonic Collusion is for sure going in this deck, thanks!

The budget of this deck is 30€ (35$), so unfortunately Manabond is too big a chunk of that - but what an awesome card for Damia!

April 4, 2024 6 a.m.

SufferFromEDHD says... #3

One last suggestion:

Turbulent Dreams budget Cyclonic Rift? Maybe, maybe not but it definitely has juicy synergy with Damia.

Have fun deck building across the pond!

April 4, 2024 12:55 p.m.

Asgeren says... #4

SufferFromEDHD Ah yes, that's for sure worth considering, thanks!

April 5, 2024 8:07 a.m.